A few generic data structures for Go. Tested with go1.18beta1
Work in progress. Expect bugs, poor performance, API instability.
go get github.com/tomyl/collection
A double-ended queue based on a double-linked list.
var q collection.Deque[int]
value, ok := q.PopBack() // 42 true
A directed graph.
var g collection.Graph[string, string, uint]
g.SetEdge("a", "b", "ab", 1)
g.SetEdge("a", "c", "ac", 2)
g.SetEdge("b", "c", "bc", 3)
g.SetEdge("b", "d", "bd", 4)
nodes, edges := g.ShortestPath("a", "d") // [a b d] [ab bd]
A binary min heap. Trivial to use as a priority queue, just set the key to the negative priority.
var h collection.Heap[int, string]
h.Push(42, "foo")
h.Push(17, "bar")
key, value, ok := h.Pop() // 17 "bar" true
var s collection.Slice[int]
value, ok := s.PopBack() // 17 true