
Simple End-to-End Machine Learning Project

Primary LanguageHTML

Loan Approval Application

Deployed link: https://loan-approval-app-facb8c5d72fa.herokuapp.com/

This app was made as the final assignment of DPhi's Online Machine Learning Bootcamp. The objective of this Machine Learning project is to build a model and web application that the bank can use to classify if a user can be granted a loan or not.


  1. /home: Home page
  2. /prediction: Prediction form
  3. /result: API
    • Return: [pred_prob, pred_class]
    • See guide/API_Example.ipynb for minimal example

Project Structure

  • Folders:

    • dev: development scripts
    • guide: notebook for usage examples
    • models: pickled pre-trained model (scikit-learn pipeline)
    • static: css files
    • template: html files
  • Application Files:

    • app.py: main application
    • forms.py: wtforms class
  • Deployment Files:

    • requirements.txt: package dependencies
    • runtime.txt: Python version
    • Procfile: commands for app's dynos on Heroku


The app is built using Python 3.12.1, with the following dependencies:

  • Flask: web framework
  • Flask-WTF: forms validation
  • pandas: data analysis
  • scikit-learn: model pipeline
  • gunicorn: HTTP server

List of dependencies and its version can be found on requirements.txt.


Future Improvement Ideas

  • Improve classifier performance
  • Create new page for batch prediction, using upload and download file
  • Create new page for explainable results, using LIME or SHAP