Sample code for centralised stablecoin jetton. TEP-74 and TEP-89 compatible
- 1
Provide License
#69 opened by gurobokum - 1
Transfer issue
#73 opened by Brendanwilfred - 0
- 1
Possible bug related with reserving ton coins
#72 opened by slavaavr - 0
- 2
#70 opened by enjian971221 - 4
Critical error in Stablecoin contract
#18 opened by iyamil - 1
Line 113 jetton-minter.fc
#65 opened by mahdihoseini123 - 1
TON's return with incorrect data
#66 opened by skywardboundd - 6
Potential error in jettonContentToCell Function of JettonMinter.ts due to Missing storeStringTail Function in Updated Builder.js
#36 opened by DanGlChris - 1
NPM packages with 6 moderate vulnerabilities
#37 opened by isopen - 1
Potential problem with getRandomInt
#41 opened by grannnsacker - 2
Have you tried without msg_body and msg?
#22 opened by isopen - 0
Access Control Issues
#27 opened by Xdonal - 4
External Contract Interaction Risks
#28 opened by Xdonal - 2
No ignoring of empty and bounced messages in jetton-minter.fc recv_external function
#34 opened by fivestarsfi - 2
Potential Reentrancy Vulnerability
#40 opened by nescampos - 3
No functionality to burn tokens by a user
#19 opened by TheSmartnik - 1
I have an idea to build a platform, help me how to contact Telegram team?
#42 opened by sadeghymohmmad0 - 2
Error handling , vulnerable crashes
#43 opened by abdallhfattah - 3
- 1
Can not run tests
#4 opened by manylov - 2
- 4
- 1
Just tryna help.
#57 opened by EmmanuelHITMH - 0
- 2
No way to do "delta" update
#59 opened by nns2009 - 1
jetton-minter.fc burn_notification
#64 opened by mahdihoseini123 - 0
US dollar is not stable
#5 opened by ElyasMehraein