
TonLib for Java/Scala/Kotlin/etc

Primary LanguageJava


This is a JVM wrapper for TonLib that can be used with Java/Scala/Kotlin/etc.

TonLib is a C++ client-side library for interacting with TON.

The basic necessary functionality is safely and securely implemented in TonLib.

TonLib checks the Merkle-proofs of data received from the liteserver, so the library can be used with public liteservers.

Java interacts with TonLib via JNI, Client.java and generated typed messages classes declared in TonApi.java.


The repository contains the TonTestJava.java example of use.

Compile and Run:

cd src

javac drinkless/org/ton/TonTestJava.java

java -cp . -Djava.library.path=$(pwd) drinkless/org/ton/TonTestJava


The repository contains already built libraries for Windows, MacOS and Ubuntu.

You can take the latest library and TonApi.java from TON autobuilds.

  • tonlib-java/ folder for MacOS and Ubuntu

  • native-lib.dll for Windows (You can take TonApi.java from MacOS or Ununtu autobuild)

Note: there are no autobuilds for the Apple M1 processor yet.

Build tonlib and generate TonApi.java

If necessary, you can manually rebuild the C++ libraries and re-generate TonApi.java as described below.

Set Java variables

Java must be installed.

Check that the JAVA_HOME variable is set.

Set JNI variables:

export JAVA_AWT_LIBRARY=NotNeeded
export JAVA_JVM_LIBRARY=NotNeeded

# export JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2=${JAVA_HOME}/include/<platform>
# for MacOS:
export JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2=${JAVA_HOME}/include/darwin
# for Linux: 
export JAVA_INCLUDE_PATH2=${JAVA_HOME}/include/linux

Install TON Dependencies

Install the newest versions of make, cmake (version 3.22.1 or later), OpenSSL (version 1.1.1 or later, including C header files), and g++ or clang (or another C++14-compatible compiler as appropriate for your operating system).

Generate and build

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 https://github.com/newton-blockchain/ton

cd ton

git checkout wallets

cd example/android/

mkdir build

cd build


cmake --build . --target prepare_cross_compiling

cmake --build . --target native-lib

After prepare_cross_compiling your will get generated TonApi.java in ton/example/android/src/drinkless/org/ton/TonApi.java

After native-lib your will get libnative-lib.so (for Linux) or libnative-lib.dylib (for MacOS) in build directory.

Copy TonApi.java and libnative-lib to your project.