Deploy and run lockup Contract end to end

This flow covers the deploy and execution of uni-lockup-wallet

official frontend for creating the locking up transaction repository

func -o uni-lockup-wallet-code.fif -SPA stdlib.fc uni-lockup-wallet.fc -> uni-lockup-wallet-code.fif

build lockup wallet

deploy uni-lockup-wallet contract and generate 2 new keys (pk files) , 1. owner 2. config using deploy.fif to contract address will be referred as

fift -s src/deploy.fif <workchain> <subwallet_id> <owner_lockup_pk> <config_pk result <lockup_address and <lockup-query.boc

deploy lockup wallet

lite-client -C global.config.json -c 'sendfile src/lockup-query.boc

deploy v3 wallet using (we will refer it as config-wallet)

fift -s new-wallet-v3.fif <workchain> <subwallet_id> <config_pk >output BOC file ->

send a new message from config-wallet to lockup wallet , the message is signed by, and it has TON to lock, unlock timestamp, and if restricted flag (or locked funds can be used for nominators)

fift -s query-new-lockup.fif <time_to_lock_sec> <allow_funds_staking> <pk_flie

fift -s query-new-lockup.fif 300 0 config BOC output: conifg-rs-transfer.boc

get seqno for lockup-wallet ( in stage 1)

lite-client -C global.config.json -c 'runmethod <lockup-wallet> seqno' -> <lockup-seqno>

build wallet query (wrap lockup query)

fift -s wallet-v3-query-builder.fif <> <lockup-wallet> <subwallet_id> <lockup-seqno> <amount_of_ton_to_lock> -B restricted_transfer.boc lockup-transfer

lite-client -C global.config.json -c 'sendfile src/lockup-transfer'

send this tx from config-wallet to lockup-wallet, so we use wallet-v3-query-builder `` wallet should withdraw the remaining balance

fift -s wallet-v3-query-builder.fif <> <lockup-wallet> <subwallet_id> <lockup-seqno> <amount_of_ton_to_lock> -B restricted_transfer.boc lockup-transfer


using runmethod get_balance_at we can check in each future timestamp the funds status of unlocked, locked, and restricted funds.

lite-client -C global.config.json -c 'runmethod <> get_balances_at <unix_timestamp>' -> result [ $unlocked, $restricted, $locked]

withdraw money from wallet

fift -s wallet-v3-query-builder.fif owner <lockup_address> <subwallet_id> <seqno> <ton_amount> lockup-withdraw

sendfile via lite-client

lite-client -C global.config.json -c 'sendfile src/lockup-withdraw.boc'