Fingerprints Enhancement Proposals (FEPs)

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Fingerprints Enhancement Proposals (FEPs)

⚠️ WARNING: this proposal system is experimental now, the process is a subject to change.

The main goal of Fingerprints Enhancement Proposals is to provide a convenient and formal way to propose changes to TON Fingerprints and standardize ways of interaction between different parts of ecosystem.

Proposal management is done using GitHub pull requests, the process is described formally in FEP-1.

Creating FEP

  1. Discuss your proposal with DAO first, for example in TON Fingerprints (DAO chat.
  2. Read FEP-1 to understand proposal management process.
  3. Fork this repo and copy ./0000-template.md to ./text/0000-my-new-proposal.md where "my-new-proposal" is a short title of your FEP.
  4. Fill all sections and answer questions stated in template. If you need to include images, upload them to ./assets/0000-my-new-proposal/ folder.
  5. Submit a pull request.

Merged FEPs


TEP Title Type Created
1 FEP Lifecycle Meta 03.07.2024