
Tiny dynamic menu for Wayland

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


An extremely fast and simple dmenu / rofi replacement for wlroots-based Wayland compositors such as Sway.

The aim is to do just what I want it to as quick as possible.

When configured correctly, tofi can get on screen within a single frame.

Table of Contents



Install the necessary dependencies, e.g. for Arch:

# Runtime dependencies
sudo pacman -S freetype2 harfbuzz cairo pango wayland libxkbcommon

# Build-time dependencies
sudo pacman -S meson scdoc wayland-protocols

Then build:

meson build && ninja -C build install


Tofi is available in the AUR:

paru -S tofi


By default, running tofi causes it to act like dmenu, accepting options on stdin and printing the selection to stdout.

tofi-run is a symlink to tofi, which will cause tofi to display a list of executables under the user's $PATH.

To use as a launcher for Sway, add something similar to the following to your Sway config file:

set $menu tofi-run | xargs swaymsg exec --
bindsym $mod+d exec $menu

See the main manpage for more info.


Tofi supports a fair number of theming options - see the config file manpage for a complete description. Theming is based on the box model shown below: Default theme screenshot This consists of a box with a border, border outlines and optionally rounded corners. Text inside the box can either be laid out vertically:

║ prompt   input    ║
║          result 1 ║
║          result 2 ║
║          ...      ║

or horizontally:

║ prompt   input    result 1  result 2  ... ║

A few example themes are included and shown below. Note that you may need to tweak them to look correct on your display.

themes/fullscreen Fullscreen theme screenshot

themes/dmenu dmenu theme screenshot

themes/dos DOS theme screenshot


By default, tofi isn't really any faster than its alternatives. However, when configured correctly, it can startup and get on screen within a single frame, or about 2ms in the ideal case.


In roughly descending order, the most important options for performance are:

  • --font - This is by far the most important option. By default, tofi uses Pango for font rendering, which (on Linux) looks up fonts via Fontconfig. Unfortunately, this font lookup is about as slow as wading through treacle (relatively speaking). On battery power on my laptop (Arch linux, AMD Ryzen 5 5600U), with ~10000 fonts as the output of fc-list, loading a single font with Pango & Fontconfig takes ~120ms.

    The solution is to pass a path to a font file to --font, e.g. --font /usr/share/fonts/noto/NotoSansMono-Regular.ttf. Tofi will then skip any font searching, and use Harfbuzz and Cairo directly to load the font and display text. This massively speeds up startup (font loading takes <1ms). The (minor for me) downside is that any character not in the specified font won't render correctly, but unless you have commands (or items) with CJK characters or emojis in their names, that shouldn't be an issue.

  • --width, --height - Larger windows take longer to draw (mostly just for the first frame). Again, on battery power on my laptop, drawing a fullscreen window (2880px × 1800px) takes ~20ms on the first frame, whereas a dmenu-like ribbon (2880px × 60px) takes ~1ms.

  • --hint-font - Getting really into it now, one of the remaining slow points is hinting fonts. For the dmenu theme on battery power on my laptop, with a specific font file chosen, the initial text render with the default font hinting takes ~4-6ms. Specifying --hint-font false drops this to ~1ms. For hidpi screens or large font sizes, this doesn't noticeably impact font sharpness, but your mileage may vary. This option has no effect if a path to a font file hasn't been passed to --font.

  • --late-keyboard-init - The last avoidable thing that slows down startup is initialisation of the keyboard. This only takes 1-2ms on my laptop, but up to 60ms on a Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W. Passing this option will delay keyboard initialisation until after the first draw to screen, meaning that keypresses will be missed until then, so it's disabled by default.


Below are some rough benchmarks of the included themes on different machines. The time shown is measured from program launch to Sway reporting that the window has entered the screen. Results are the mean and standard deviation of 10 runs. All tests were performed with --font /path/to/font/file.ttf and --hint-font false.

fullscreen dmenu dos
Machine Ryzen 7 3700X
2560px × 1440px
9.5ms ± 1.8ms 5.2ms ± 1.5ms 6.1ms ± 1.3ms
Ryzen 5 5600U (AC)
2880px × 1800px
17.1ms ± 1.4ms 4.0ms ± 0.5ms 6.7ms ± 1.1ms
Ryzen 5 5600U (battery)
2880px × 1800px
28.1ms ± 3.7ms 6.0ms ± 1.6ms 12.3ms ± 3.4ms
Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W
1920px × 1080px
119.0ms ± 5.9ms 67.3ms ± 10.2ms 110.0ms ± 10.3ms

The table below additionally includes --late-keyboard-init in the arguments.

fullscreen dmenu dos
Machine Ryzen 7 3700X
2560px × 1440px
7.9ms ± 1.0ms 2.3ms ± 0.8ms 3.8ms ± 0.8ms
Ryzen 5 5600U (AC)
2880px × 1800px
13.4ms ± 0.8ms 2.6ms ± 0.5ms 5.5ms ± 0.51ms
Ryzen 5 5600U (battery)
2880px × 1800px
21.8ms ± 1.8ms 3.6ms ± 0.7ms 8.1ms ± 0.7ms
Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W
1920px × 1080px
98.3ms ± 5.7ms 44.8ms ± 16.3ms 87.4ms ± 9.9ms