
Xtables-addons 1.47.1 for Asuswrt-Merlin

GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


This repo adds new capabilities to the Asuswrt-Merlin firmware, for iptables targets: CHAOS, DELUDE, RAWSNAT, RAWDNAT, STEAL, TARPIT, and iptables matches: fuzzy, iface, ipv4options, lscan, pknock, psd, quota2. To test this functionality on your Asus router, flash the Blackfuel version of Asuswrt-Merlin.

The files in this repo have been copied directly from the Xtables-addons-1.47.1 source code distribution, and organized into the appropriate Asuswrt-Merlin folder structure, for the purpose of compiling them directly into the firmware. They are kept in a .tar.gz archive to preserve the original file timestamps. All Xtables-addons source files appearing in this repo are original and unmodified. A few modules were not included because additional work would be required to compile them into the Asuswrt-Merlin firmware.


###CHAOS target Causes confusion on the other end by doing odd things with incoming packets. CHAOS will randomly reply (or not) with one of its configurable subtargets:

Use the REJECT and DELUDE targets as a base to do a sudden or deferred connection reset, fooling some network scanners to return non-deterministic (randomly open/closed) results, and in case it is deemed open, it is actually closed/filtered.

Use the REJECT and TARPIT target as a base to hold the connection until it times out. This consumes conntrack entries when connection tracking is loaded (which usually is on most machines), and routers inbetween you and the Internet may fail to do their connection tracking if they have to handle more connections than they can.

The randomness factor of not replying vs. replying can be set during load-time of the xt_CHAOS module or during runtime in /sys/modules/xt_CHAOS/parameters.

See http://jengelh.medozas.de/projects/chaostables/ for more information about CHAOS, DELUDE and lscan.

###DELUDE target The DELUDE target will reply to a SYN packet with SYN-ACK, and to all other packets with an RST. This will terminate the connection much like REJECT, but network scanners doing TCP half-open discovery can be spoofed to make them belive the port is open rather than closed/filtered.

###RAWSNAT and RAWDNAT targets The RAWSNAT and RAWDNAT targets provide stateless network address translation.

The RAWDNAT target will rewrite the destination address in the IP header, much like the NETMAP target.

--to-destination addr[/mask]
Network address to map to. The resulting address will be constructed the following way: All 'one' bits in the mask are filled in from the new address. All bits that are zero in the mask are filled in from the original address.

The RAWSNAT target will rewrite the source address in the IP header, much like the NETMAP target. RAWSNAT (and RAWDNAT) may only be used in the raw or rawpost tables, but can be used in all chains, which makes it possible to change the source address either when the packet enters the machine or when it leaves it. The reason for this table constraint is that RAWNAT must happen outside of connection tracking.

--to-source addr[/mask]
Network address to map to. The resulting address will be constructed the following way: All 'one' bits in the mask are filled in from the new address. All bits that are zero in the mask are filled in from the original address.

As an example, changing the destination for packets forwarded from an internal LAN to the internet:

-t raw -A PREROUTING -i lan0 -d -j RAWDNAT --to-destination;
-t rawpost -A POSTROUTING -o lan0 -s -j RAWSNAT --to-source;

Note that changing addresses may influence the route selection! Specifically, it statically NATs packets, not connections, like the normal DNAT/SNAT targets would do. Also note that it can transform already-NATed connections, as said, it is completely external to Netfilter's connection tracking/NAT.

If the machine itself generates packets that are to be rawnat'ed, you need a rule in the OUTPUT chain instead, just like you would with the stateful NAT targets.

It may be necessary that in doing so, you also need an extra RAWSNAT rule, to override the automatic source address selection that the routing code does before passing packets to iptables. If the connecting socket has not been explicitly bound to an address, as is the common mode of operation, the address that will be chosen is the primary address of the device through which the packet would be routed with its initial destination address - the address as seen before any RAWNAT takes place.

###STEAL target Like the DROP target, but does not throw an error like DROP when used in the OUTPUT chain.

###TARPIT target Adds a TARPIT target to iptables, which captures and holds incoming TCP connections using no local per-connection resources. Connections are accepted, but immediately switched to the persist state (0 byte window), in which the remote side stops sending data and asks to continue every 60-240 seconds. Attempts to close the connection are ignored, forcing the remote side to time out the connection in 12-24 minutes.

This offers similar functionality to LaBrea http://www.hackbusters.net/LaBrea/, but does not require dedicated hardware or IPs. Any TCP port that you would normally DROP or REJECT can instead become a tarpit.


###FUZZY match This module matches a rate limit based on a fuzzy logic controller (FLC).

--lower-limit number
Specifies the lower limit, in packets per second.

--upper-limit number
Specifies the upper limit, also in packets per second.

###IFACE match Allows you to check interface states. First, an interface needs to be selected for comparison. Exactly one option of the following three must be specified:

--iface name
Check the states on the given interface.

Check the states on the interface on which the packet came in. If the input device is not set, because for example you are using -m iface in the OUTPUT chain, this submatch returns false.

Check the states on the interface on which the packet will go out. If the output device is not set, because for example you are using -m iface in the INPUT chain, this submatch returns false.

Following that, one can select the interface properties to check for:

[!] --up, [!] --down
Check the UP flag.

[!] --broadcast
Check the BROADCAST flag.

[!] --loopback
Check the LOOPBACK flag.

[!] --pointtopoint
Check the POINTTOPOINT flag.

[!] --running
Check the RUNNING flag. Do NOT rely on it!

[!] --noarp, [!] --arp
Check the NOARP flag.

[!] --promisc
Check the PROMISC flag.

[!] --multicast
Check the MULTICAST flag.

[!] --dynamic
Check the DYNAMIC flag.

[!] --lower-up
Check the LOWER_UP flag.

[!] --dormant
Check the DORMANT flag.

###IPV4OPTIONS match The "ipv4options" module allows to match against a set of IPv4 header options.

--flags [!]symbol[,[!]symbol...]
Specify the options that shall appear or not appear in the header. Each symbol specification is delimited by a comma, and a '!' can be prefixed to a symbol to negate its presence. Symbols are either the name of an IPv4 option or its number. See examples below.

By default, all of the flags specified must be present/absent, that is, they form an AND condition. Use the --any flag instead to use an OR condition where only at least one symbol spec must be true.

Known symbol names (and their number):

1 nop 2 security RFC 1108 3 lsrr Loose Source Routing, RFC 791 4 timestamp RFC 781, 791 7 record-route RFC 791 9 ssrr Strict Source Routing, RFC 791 11 mtu-probe RFC 1063 12 mtu-reply RFC 1063 18 traceroute RFC 1393 20 router-alert RFC 2113


  • Match packets that have both Timestamp and NOP:
      -m ipv4options --flags nop,timestamp
  • that have either of Timestamp or NOP, or both:
      --flags nop,timestamp --any
  • that have Timestamp and no NOP:
      --flags '!nop,timestamp'
  • that have either no NOP or a timestamp (or both conditions):
      --flags '!nop,timestamp' --any

###LSCAN match Detects simple low-level scan attemps based upon the packet's contents. (This is different from other implementations, which also try to match the rate of new connections.) Note that an attempt is only discovered after it has been carried out, but this information can be used in conjunction with other rules to block the remote host's future connections. So this match module will match on the (probably) last packet the remote side will send to your machine.

Match if the packet did not belong to any known TCP connection (Stealth/FIN/XMAS/NULL scan).

Match if the connection was a TCP half-open discovery (SYN scan), i.e. the connection was torn down after the 2nd packet in the 3-way handshake.

Match if the connection was a TCP full open discovery (connect scan), i.e. the connection was torn down after completion of the 3-way handshake.

Match if data in the connection only flew in the direction of the remote side, e.g. if the connection was terminated after a locally running daemon sent its identification. (E.g. openssh, smtp, ftpd.) This may falsely trigger on warranted single-direction data flows, usually bulk data transfers such as FTP DATA connections or IRC DCC. Grab Scan Detection should only be used on ports where a protocol runs that is guaranteed to do a bidirectional exchange of bytes.

NOTE: Some clients (Windows XP for example) may do what looks like a SYN scan, so be advised to carefully use xt_lscan in conjunction with blocking rules, as it may lock out your very own internal network.

###PKNOCK match Pknock match implements so-called "port knocking", a stealthy system for network authentication: a client sends packets to selected ports in a specific sequence (simple mode, see example 1 below), or a HMAC payload to a single port (complex mode, see example 2 below), to a target machine that has pknock rule(s) installed. The target machine then decides whether to unblock or block (again) the pknock-protected port(s). This can be used, for instance, to avoid brute force attacks on ssh or ftp services.

Example prerequisites:

modprobe cn

modprobe xt_pknock

Example 1 (TCP mode, manual closing of opened port not possible):

iptables -P INPUT DROP

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m pknock --knockports 4002,4001,4004 --strict --name SSH --time 10 --autoclose 60 --dport 22 -j ACCEPT

The rule will allow tcp port 22 for the attempting IP address after the successful reception of TCP SYN packets to ports 4002, 4001 and 4004, in this order (a.k.a. port-knocking). Port numbers in the connect sequence must follow the exact specification, no other ports may be "knocked" inbetween. The rule is named 'SSH', a file of the same name for tracking port knocking states will be created in /proc/net/xt_pknock.

Successive port knocks must occur with delay of at most 10 seconds. Port 22 (from the example) will be automatiaclly dropped after 60 minutes after it was previously allowed.

Example 2 (UDP mode, non-replayable and non-spoofable, manual closing of opened port possible, secure, also called "SPA" = Secure Port Authorization):

iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m pknock --knockports 4000 --name FTP --opensecret foo --closesecret bar --autoclose 240 -j DROP

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m pknock --checkip --name FTP --dport 21 -j ACCEPT

The first rule will create an "ALLOWED" record in /proc/net/xt_pknock/FTP after the successful reception of an UDP packet to port 4000. The packet payload must be constructed as a HMAC256 using "foo" as a key. The HMAC content is the particular client's IP address as a 32-bit network byteorder quantity, plus the number of minutes since the Unix epoch, also as a 32-bit value. (This is known as Simple Packet Authorization, also called "SPA".) In such case, any subsequent attempt to connect to port 21 from the client's IP address will cause such packets to be accepted in the second rule.

Similarly, upon reception of an UDP packet constructed the same way, but with the key "bar", the first rule will remove a previously installed "ALLOWED" state record from /proc/net/xt_pknock/FTP, which means that the second rule will stop matching for subsequent connection attempts to port 21. In case no close-secret packet is received within 4 hours, the first rule will remove "ALLOWED" record from /proc/net/xt_pknock/FTP itself.

Things worth noting:


Specifying --autoclose 0 means that no automatic close will be performed at all.

xt_pknock is capable of sending information about successful matches via a netlink socket to userspace, should you need to implement your own way of receiving and handling portknock notifications. Be sure to read the documentation in the doc/pknock/ directory, or visit the original site, http://portknocko.berlios.de/.

TCP mode:

This mode is not immune against eavesdropping, spoofing and replaying of the port knock sequence by someone else (but its use may still be sufficient for scenarios where these factors are not necessarily this important, such as bare shielding of the SSH port from brute-force attacks). However, if you need these features, you should use UDP mode.

It is always wise to specify three or more ports that are not monotonically increasing or decreasing with a small stepsize (e.g. 1024,1025,1026) to avoid accidentally triggering the rule by a portscan.

Specifying the inter-knock timeout with --time is mandatory in TCP mode, to avoid permanent denial of services by clogging up the peer knock-state tracking table that xt_pknock internally keeps, should there be a DDoS on the first-in-row knock port from more hostile IP addresses than what the actual size of this table is (defaults to 16, can be changed via the "peer_hasht_ents" module parameter). It is also wise to use as short a time as possible (1 second) for --time for this very reason. You may also consider increasing the size of the peer knock-state tracking table. Using --strict also helps, as it requires the knock sequence to be exact. This means that if the hostile client sends more knocks to the same port, xt_pknock will mark such attempt as failed knock sequence and will forget it immediately. To completely thwart this kind of DDoS, knock-ports would need to have an additional rate-limit protection. Or you may consider using UDP mode.

UDP mode:

This mode is immune against eavesdropping, replaying and spoofing attacks. It is also immune against DDoS attack on the knockport.

For this mode to work, the clock difference on the client and on the server must be below 1 minute. Synchronizing time on both ends by means of NTP or rdate is strongly suggested.

There is a rate limiter built into xt_pknock which blocks any subsequent open attempt in UDP mode should the request arrive within less than one minute since the first successful open. This is intentional; it thwarts eventual spoofing attacks.

Because the payload value of an UDP knock packet is influenced by client's IP address, UDP mode cannot be used across NAT.

For sending UDP "SPA" packets, you may use either knock.sh or knock-orig.sh. These may be found in doc/pknock/util.

###PSD match Attempt to detect TCP and UDP port scans. This match was derived from Solar Designer's scanlogd.

--psd-weight-threshold threshold
Total weight of the latest TCP/UDP packets with different destination ports coming from the same host to be treated as port scan sequence.

--psd-delay-threshold delay
Delay (in hundredths of second) for the packets with different destination ports coming from the same host to be treated as possible port scan subsequence.

--psd-lo-ports-weight weight
Weight of the packet with privileged (<=1024) destination port.

--psd-hi-ports-weight weight
Weight of the packet with non-priviliged destination port.

###QUOTA2 match The "quota2" implements a named counter which can be increased or decreased on a per-match basis. Available modes are packet counting or byte counting. The value of the counter can be read and reset through procfs, thereby making this match a minimalist accounting tool.

When counting down from the initial quota, the counter will stop at 0 and the match will return false, just like the original "quota" match. In growing (upcounting) mode, it will always return true.

Count upwards instead of downwards.

Makes it so the counter or quota amount is never changed by packets matching this rule. This is only really useful in "quota" mode, as it will allow you to use complex prerouting rules in association with the quota system, without counting a packet twice.

--name name
Assign the counter a specific name. This option must be present, as an empty name is not allowed. Names starting with a dot or names containing a slash are prohibited.

[!] --quota iq
Specify the initial quota for this counter. If the counter already exists, it is not reset. An "!" may be used to invert the result of the match. The negation has no effect when --grow is used.

Count packets instead of bytes that passed the quota2 match.

Because counters in quota2 can be shared, you can combine them for various purposes, for example, a bytebucket filter that only lets as much traffic go out as has come in:

-A INPUT -p tcp --dport 6881 -m quota --name bt --grow;
-A OUTPUT -p tcp --sport 6881 -m quota --name bt;


Website: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xtables-addons/files/Xtables-addons/
Download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/xtables-addons/files/Xtables-addons/xtables-addons-1.47.1.tar.xz/download