
A very simple Celery Beat Scheduler that stores status information in a MongoDB database.

Primary LanguagePython


A very simple Celery Beat Scheduler that stores status information in a MongoDB database.


pip install celerybeatmongo


This project provides a Celery Beat Scheduler that uses MongoDB to store the schedule stats (last run, run count, etc.). This is safer than using a file on your server which could be cleared or corrupted (on Heroku for example). This scheduler aims to replace the default Beat Scheduler provided with Celery. There are a few caveats though:

  • Only supports interval scheduling (currently, easy to add support for Crontab and Solar)
  • Can only pass native JSON types (dict, list, str, number) to kwargs, args, and options for tasks


I started this project because I run Celerybeat on Heroku and I started noticing that tasks were being dropped. This was because the default Celerybeat Scheduler ([celery.beat.PersistentScheduler](http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/reference/celery.beat.html#celery.beat.PersistentScheduler)) uses a shelve database file that it adds the current directory. In Heroku this file was cleared and so the schedule data was not saved reliably. With the celerybeatmongo.MongoPersistentScheduler this is not an issue anymore.


Please see examples/celery_worker.py for a simple example to just try it out.

Running the example requires MongoDB and Redis (you can edit it to use another Broker instead if Redis if you want).

You can run the following to start the example:

  1. In a seperate terminal window, start Redis:
$ redis-server      # start redis
  1. In a seperate terminal window, start MongoDB:
$ mongod
  1. Then start the example worker:
$ pip install redis
$ python examples/celery_worker.py


Please add issues or put up pull requests if you need more functionality or have suggestions. Its a new project and should be easy to contribute to!