
16 bit programs

Primary LanguageC

What is this ?

This is a colllection of programs to be compiled for 16 bit computers.

IBM Logo print

Free Pascal has a 16 bit 8086 cross compiler version that can be used like this from a conteporary computer:

ppcross8086.exe ibmlogo.pas

This will produce a 16 bit executable.

Tiny editor

It compiles on Linux. It can be used in the ELKS Linux project. This is how to compile it for ELKS with cross compiler: $ ./cross/bin/ia16-elf-gcc tinyedit.c -o tinyedit -melks -mcmodel=small

Falling letters screensaver for DOS

Full description is here: http://www.vcfed.org/forum/showthread.php?41244-Falling-letters-screensaver-for-DOS