
Primary LanguagePython



ClassAmass gives users one place to easily search for online courses among tens of thousands of offerings on Coursera and Udemy. Users can filter their searches based on several parameters. Users can also create a personal profile in order to conveniently track their learning, including courses in which they're currently enrolled, courses they might like to take in the future, and courses they've already completed.

How it works

I seeded my PostgreSQL databsase by making API calls to both Coursera and Udemy. I then had to merge the different courses I was recieving into one data model which I built to accomodate courses from both sites.

Users input a search term which is sent to the Flask server where a SQLAlchemy query is made to the PostgreSQL database. The user can then select from the filters on the side navagation bar to indicate a price, language, whether the course is instructor- or self- led, the specific university sponsoring the course, and which site hosts the course.



Search Results

Filtered Search Results

User Profile Page-- Currently Enrolled and Favorites

User Profile Page-- Past Courses

Technology Stack

Application: Python, Flask, Jinja, SQLAlchemy, PostgreSQL
APIs: Coursera Courses, Coursera Partners, Udemy
Front-End: JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap, JQuery, AJAX, JSON

Testing Coverage

How to run ClassAmass locally

Create a virtual environment

> virtualenv env
> source env/bin/activate

Install the dependencies

> pip install -r requirements.txt

In a new Terminal run App

> python server.py

Open your browser and navigate to


About the Developer

Emily Flagg