
Clojure library for interacting with the CircleCI REST API

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Circle CI

A Clojure library for interacting with the CircleCI REST API

See the generated API documentation for all available namespaces and their fn's.


Add the following dependency to your project.clj file for the latest release:

[kgann/circleci "0.1.0"]



(require '[circleci.project :as p])
(require '[circleci.core :as ci])

;; your CircleCI API token
(def token "...")

(def username "...")
(def project "...")

;; block until request completion
;; return JSON parsed response body
(p/build username project :token token)

;; return immediately
;; execute callback upon request completion with JSON parsed body
(p/build username project :token token :callback (fn [body] ... ))

(def c (clojure.core.async/chan))

;; return immediately
;; upon request completion put! JSON parsed body on core.async channel
(p/build username project :token token :chan c)

;; specify http-kit client options
;; http://www.http-kit.org/client.html
(p/build username project :token token :http {:timeout 100})

;; specify additional query parameters as keyword arguments
(p/build username project :token token :param1 "one" :param2 2 :param3 :three)

;; inspect request/response options attached to response body
(def body (p/build ...))

(ci/details body)
=> {:opts {:method :get
           :url "..."
           :query-params { ... }
           :headers { ... }}
    :status 200
    :headers { ... }}

Optionally, you may omit :token ... from each request call if you either:

;; configure the token globally
(ci/configure! "your token")

;; supply a temporary binding
(ci/with-token "your token"
  (p/build ...))


There is a single integration test located at test/circleci/integration_test.clj. In order to have this test run, you must set the following environment variables:


This will cause the integration test to run against your organization and token.

CIRCLECI_TOKEN=... CIRCLECI_ORG=... lein test circleci.integration-test


  • v0.1.0 - initial release


Copyright © 2015 Kyle Gann

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.