
Parametric acid bassline sculptor script for Monome Norns

Primary LanguageLuaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A parametric acid bassline explorer for Monome Norns.



  • Original Norns, Norns Shield or Fates


  • MIDI controller with multiple sliders, knobs or encoders for parameter-mapping (optimised for Novation Launch Control XL)
  • Hardware or software tb-303 emulator
  • MIDI interface or USB cable to connect to the above

tb-303 emulator should apply accent to received MIDI notes with a high velocity value (accent threshold adjustable) and slide to overlapping notes ("mono-legato" mode).

Other synths that have a mono-legato mode and allow velocity to modulate note volume and filter envelope modulation amount and/or cutoff may also produce interesting results.


Install from Maiden

;install https://github.com/toneburst/bline

Restart Norns to enable engine.


  • E1 : Change parameter page
  • E2 : Param 1
  • E3 : Param 2
  • K2 : Toggle parameter group
  • K3 : Currently unassigned

Not all parameters are exposed in the UI display. Mapping Params to MIDI controller recommended!

If you have a Novation Launch Control XL, plug it in, assign it to Norns MIDI device slot 16 and load factory patch 1 on the controller. You'll find all the key parameters mapped for you.

If you have another MIDI controller, I recommend starting by mapping the following parameters:

  • X
  • Y
  • Accent Density
  • Accent Length
  • Accent Offset
  • Slide Density
  • Slide Length
  • Slide Offset
  • Rest Density
  • Rest Length
  • Rest Offset

See wiki for more information.

GitHub forks GitHub issues GitHub stars License: GPL v2 Twitter

                   H  H  C--H
                      C  H  H
                      |     |
                 O    N  H  C
                 \\ ,' `.|,'|`.
                   C     C  H  H
                   |     |
                H--C     H
                 ,' `.
          H  H--C  H--C--H
          |     ||    |
    H     C     C     N  H  H
     `. ,' `. ,' `. ,' `.|,'
       C  _  C  H  C     C
       | (_) |   `.|     |
       C     C     C     H
     ,' `. ,' `. ,' `.
    H     C     C     H
          |    ||
          |     |
          H     H