
Multiplatform Kotlin color conversion and manipulation

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Colormath is a Kotlin Multiplatform library for color manipulation and conversion.

Colormath can:

  • Convert between color models and spaces
  • Manipulate colors with transformations such as mixing and chromatic adaptation
  • Calculate attributes such as WCAG contrast and perceptual color difference
  • Generate gradients with custom interpolation methods and easing functions
  • Parse and render colors as strings, including all representations from the CSS spec
// Create an sRGB color
val color = RGB("#ff23cc")

// Interpolate with another color
val mixed = color.interpolate(RGB(0.1, 0.4, 1), 0.5f)
// RGB("#8c45e6")

// Convert to a different color space
val lab = mixed.toLAB()
// LAB(46.3, 60.9, -70)

// Change the transparency
val labA = lab.copy(alpha = 0.25f)
// LAB(46.3, 60.9, -70, 0.25)

// Adapt white point
val lab50 = labA.convertTo(LAB50)
// LAB50(45, 55.1812, 72.5911, 0.25)

// Render as a css color string
// "lab(45% 55.1812 -72.5911 / 0.25)"


The full documentation can be found on the website.

There are also some online examples:


Colormath is distributed through Maven Central.

dependencies {
    // optional extensions for interop with other platforms
    // android.graphics.Color
    // androidx.annotation.ColorInt
    // androidx.compose.ui.graphics.Color
If you're using Maven instead of Gradle, use <artifactId>colormath-jvm</artifactId>


Colormath supports the following targets: jvm, mingwX64, linuxX64, macosX64, ios, watchos, tvos, and js (for both NodeJS and Browsers). You'll need to use Gradle 6 or newer. Artifacts for macosArm64 and linuxArm64 are also published, but not tested with CI.


Snapshot builds are also available

You'll need to add the Sonatype snapshots repository:

repositories {
    maven {
        url = uri("https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/")