The simplest way to send unlimited files around the world
Filenation lets you send files as a link to an email. The files cannot be censored as they are sent stored and transmitted decentralised because it uses the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS).
IPFS is a media distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open.
FileNation is quite young but we already have some interesting achievements:
Launch of the first functional version of our Product (MVP)
First position in the Ranking of HackerNews (one of the most prestigious sites about technology)
More than 600 stars in GitHub showing the interest of the tech community.
If you would like to test Filenation on your own computer make sure you have Node installed and clone this repo
git clone
Go into the folder and download modules:
npm i
Testrun the the App on http://localhost:4200 with:
npm start
There you go. If you later wish to build the code for production please run:
npm run prod or npm run prod:hashless
For automated angular documentation, please use:
npm run compodoc:w
Main Framework: Angular Lead: @alexsicart
Libraries: IPFS
Server: Private (Python) Lead: @polbaladas
We love pull requests from everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by the thoughtbot code of conduct
Fork, then clone the repo: Push to your fork and submit a pull request.