Export geotagged tweets to GeoJSON.
Open your terminal and run:
pip install twittergeo
To use the tool, you'll need a application registered with Twitter. Instructions from Twitter: https://apps.twitter.com.
When your application is set, you'll get two keys, which need to be added to a config file.
You'll need a bots.yaml
(or .json
) file with you keys, because copying and pasting them is boring, and environment variabled don't work if you have several applications. Save a config file like so:
consumer_key: ...
consumer_secret: ...
Call the file bots.yaml and save it in your home directory. twittergeo
will find it automatically. Or use a custom file:
$ twittergeo --search "some words" --config configfile.yaml -o some_words.geojson
Use the --lite
option to get smaller files. The only properties saved will be the tweet's text
and id
and the user's screen_name
and userid
$ twittergeo --search "some words" --lite > some_words.geojson
By default, Twitter returns only 15 tweets, which is pretty weak. Use the --count
parameter to request more. Note that Twittergeo will return count
tweets, but that may include non-geotagged tweets, so your files will likely be much shorter. The Twitter API doesn't have a way request only geotagged tweets.
$ twittergeo --search "some words" --count 100 > some_words.geojson
When using the search option, you can request tweets close to a particular point. The format to use is latitude,longitude,radius
, where radius is either in miles (mi
) or kilometers (km
$ twittergeo --search "some words" --geocode 37.781157,-122.398720,1mi -o some_words_a.geojson
$ twittergeo --search "some words" --geocode 37.781157,-74.2644,10km -o some_words_b.geojson
usage: twittergeo [-h] [-c path] [--app APP] [-u screen_name | -f search]
[--lite] [--count COUNT] [--geocode LAT,LON,RADIUS]
[--since ID] [--max ID] [-o OUTPUT]
Pull Twitter searches into GeoJSON
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c path, --config path
jsom or yaml config file
--app APP Twitter app to read in config (default: twittergeo)
-u screen_name, --user screen_name
User timeline to search
-f search, --search search
Search string
--lite Output minimal information about tweets
--count COUNT Maximum number of tweets to return (default: 500)
--geocode LAT,LON,RADIUS
optional geocode parameter when searching
--since ID Fetch tweets since this ID
--max ID Fetch tweets before this ID
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file (default: stdout)