
Convert binary arm files to json and vice versa

Primary LanguageHaxe


Convert binary armory3d arm files to json and vice versa.

Build + Install

haxelib install build.hxml
haxe build.hxml
cp armcat.js /usr/local/bin/armcat
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/armcat


armcat --help
Usage: armcat <file.arm|file.json> [options]

  [--json-indent] <str> : Indention string
  [--no-json]           : Skip json formatting


Pretty print using jq:

armcat <file.arm> | jq .

Print all objects of given scene file:

armcat Scene.arm | jq .objects

Print all traits of all objects in given scene file:

armcat Scene.arm | jq ".objects[].traits"

Print decoded arm file without json formatting (note that this does not output valid json):

armcat Scene.arm --no-format

Live preview integration into lf file manager using bat for syntax highlighting (lf/preview#L35):

armcat "$1" | bat --file-name "$1" --language json --color=always