
Quickly and easily generate a README file!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

README Generator

Packages / Technologies Used

  • Node.js
  • Javascript
  • Inquirer (npm package)

When to use the Generator

This README Generator is meant to be executed across a command line. I recommend Gitbash primarily but any that will allow you to node index.js will be adequate. Make sure to run this with file creation permissions as it will attempt to generate a text/md file. Enjoy!

How to use the Generator

  • Clone this repository to your local drive.
  • Open Gitbash command interface.
  • Run npm install in the root directory. Wait for packages to download (<2 minutes).
  • Open a terminal inside the root directory.
  • Run node server.js and follow the prompts that pop up in the console.
  • Hold out hands and receive bacon. Your README is generated under README-sample.md in the same directory as index.js.

Quick GIF Demo

README Generator by tongjac