Blockchain Explorer using PHP, MySQL, JavaScript and Bootstrap. It contains multiple helpful charts, a network observer, world map, and more
- BRS 2.3.0
- PHP 7.2
- PHP Extension: Memcached, bcmath, curl, json, mbstring, mcrypt, mail and mysqli
- PHP short tags enabled
- Cronjob for cron_.php every 60 second (Monitor cron execution times in logs/cron_)
- Cronjob for cron_network_status.php every 12 hours (Monitor cron execution times in logs/cron_network_status)
- Cronjob for cron_peers.php every hour (Monitor cron execution times in logs/cron_peers)
- Atleast 16GB ram avaliable
- Make sure the BRS wallet is the newest release and in sync
- Import init_sql.sql
- Edit and fill in database.php, cron_.php, cron_network_status.php, cron_peers.php
- Setup cronjob as stated in the requirements
- After install it can take hours before the explorer is in sync
- Wait aprox 3 hours and the Explorer should be ready
- After the wait remove the comment out in cron_.php in line 10 (max_execution_time)
- If you do not wish to enforce SSL / HTTPS comment out index.php line 9
- Block Explorer
- Network observer
- World map
- E-mail notifications
- Management menu for flushing memcached, cron jobs and test enviroment
- Execution time loggin for sql and cronjob