
Develop iOS Android app in java. Jvm for mobile or embedded system. the fastest ios java interpreter .

Primary LanguageC

Build Status


Develop iOS Android app in java. Jvm for ios/android or embed system. the fastest ios java interpreter .


  • Jvm Build pass: iOS / Android / mingww64 32 64bit / cygwin / MSVC 32 64bit / MacOS / Linux .
  • No dependence Library .
  • Minimal runtime classlib .
  • Support java5/6/7/8 class file version .
  • Support embedded java source compiler(janino compiler) .
  • Thread supported .
  • Network supported .
  • File io supported .
  • Java native method supported .
  • Java garbage collection supported .
  • Java remote debug supported, JDWP Spec .



binary/-------- minijvm binary for pc (win32/win64/mac/linux)
mini_jvm/------ minijvm c source
javalib/------- minijvm runtime class library


jni_gui/------ desktop computer native gui jni module
luaj/--------- lua java


c/------------- java native lib, glfm framework, gui jni, glfmapp
java/guilib---- java jni for above /mobile/c native gui lib
java/ExApp----- java app entry point
iosapp/-------- iOS launcher
androidapp/---- Android launcher
assets/resfiles/- java app resource, font files, jar files ,pic etc.


javalib_test/- test /javalib classes.
jni_test/----- jni example
jvm_ios/------ ios swift test project ,only test the jvm.
jvm_macos/---- macosX test project, only test jvm.
jvm_vs/------- virtual studio test project, only test jvm.

  • /mini_jvm is an independent small and fast jvm interpreter, Need /javalib runtime class library only, it run on Win/Mac/Linux/iOS/Android.
  • /javalib is the jvm foundation runtime class library, ex java.lang , java.util ,and extended classes org.mini for file reflect and network etc, this project generate minijvm_rt.jar , copy it into /mobile/assets/resfiles .
  • /mobile/iosapp /mobile/androidapp are iOS/Android launcher program, it include minijvm source and native gui function, java call gui library with jni.
  • /mobile/java/guilib is a gui library ,it dependent on native gui library ,that include openGLES glad, glfm, nanovg, stb lib etc , this project generate glfm_gui.jar , copy it into /mobile/assets/resfiles .
  • /mobile/java/ExApp is an example of mobile app, it run on iOS and Android platform.

How to develop iOS/Android app in java:

Write java code once running both iOS and Android.

  • Open ExApp project in NetBeans , it dependent on project /javalib and /mobile/java/guilib
  • Write your code like example /mobile/java/ExApp/src/test/App1.java
  • Change /mobile/java/ExApp/src/app/GlfmMain.java App1 to your application entry class
  • Build /mobile/java/ExApp generate ExApp.jar ,MUST NOT change the jar name
  • Copy ExApp.jar to /mobile/assets/resfiles/
  • Open project /mobile/iosapp in Xcode, need not change anything, this project contains minijvm, glfm platform bridge, openGLES native function and jni interface, Nanovg paint module, Other include resource files like minijvm_rt.jar ,glfm_gui.jar ,ExApp.jar and font files.
  • Build and run it in simulator or device, your app has launched
  • Open project mobile/androidapp in Android studio, need not change anything ,same as iosapp
  • Build and run, it would be startup
  • Build ipa and apk files .

good luck

Remote debug:

Desktop Computer : Run mini_jvm with flag: -Xdebug for debug mode .
iOS/Android simulator : no attached operation.
iOS/Android device : check the device ip address from Setting.

  • Intelli idea : open the java project , menu Run .> Edit Configurations , + remote , Transport : socket , Debugger mode : attach , host is your mini_jvm running at host ip and port ,ex. "localhost:8000" .
  • Eclipse : configuration like as idea .
  • Netbeans : open java project , menu Debug .> connect to Debugger, Connector : SocketAttach , host is your mini_jvm running at the host and port, ex. "localhost:8000" , Timeout: 10000 .
    Then you can setup breakpoint or pause mini_jvm and watch variable's value .

Compile java source:

To compile java source file ,there are 2 resolution:

  • Oracle JDK javac to compile.
  • Janino the third compiler. using Janino jar lib, can see example in binary folder.
    the compile command like :
mini_jvm -cp ../lib/minijvm_rt.jar;../lib/janino.jar;../lib/commons-compiler.jar org.codehaus.janino.Compiler  ../res/BpDeepTest.java
./mini_jvm -cp ../lib/minijvm_rt.jar:../lib/janino.jar:../lib/commons-compiler.jar org.codehaus.janino.Compiler  ../res/BpDeepTest.java

Janion compiler limitation ,example :

List<String> list=new ArrayList(); 
String s=(String)list.get(0);//can't ignore (String) cast qualifier.   

Referenced project and technology:

Sun CLDC :reference
Miniz :for read jar files
GLFM :for cross platform (android/ios) GUI
Nanovg :for GUI paint function
Stb :for GUI truetype font and image
Glad :for replace openGL/GLES head file
GLFW :for pc cross platform GUI
Dirent :for win vc file and directory access
Tinycthread :for cross platform thread
JRegex :for java String regex match
Janino :for compile java source file

Development IDE:

C code: JetBrains CLion ,Xcode ,Virtual studio .
Swift code/Object c: XCode , LLVM 9 .
Java code: Netbeans 8.0 ,jdk 1.8 .
android project: Android Studio ,Android SDK

Build GUI application, depend on openGL2 or openGLES

  • iOS/Android system build with GLFM (/mobile/iosapp/ , /mobile/androidapp/)
  • Window system build with GLFW (/ex_lib/gui_jni/)
  • GUI build on Nanovg

Screen shot :
* iOS mini_jvm gui

There are two class demo how develop java app for iOS and Android, one is App main class, the other is an GuiApp

package app;

import org.mini.glfm.Glfm;
import org.mini.gui.GApplication;
import org.mini.gui.GuiCallBack;
import test.App1;

 * This class MUST be app.GlfmMain 
 * And this jar MUST be resfiles/ExApp.jar
 * it used in c source glfmapp/main.c
 * @author gust
public class GlfmMain {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    static public void glinit(long display) {

        GApplication app = new App1();
        GuiCallBack ccb = new GuiCallBack(display, app);
        Glfm.glfmSetCallBack(display, ccb);



package test;

import java.util.Random;
import org.mini.nanovg.*;
import org.mini.gui.*;
import org.mini.gui.event.*;

 * @author gust
public class App1 implements GApplication {

    private static App1 app;

    GForm form;

    static public App1 getInstance() {
        if (app == null) {
            app = new App1();
        return app;

    public GForm createdForm(GuiCallBack ccb) {
        if (form != null) {
            return form;
        form = new GForm(/*"GuiTest"*/"登录 窗口", 800, 600, ccb);

        long vg = form.getNvContext();

        GMenu menu;
        int menuH = 80;
        GImage img = new GImage("./image4.png");
        menu = new GMenu(0, form.getDeviceHeight() - menuH, form.getDeviceWidth(), menuH);
        GMenuItem item = menu.addItem("Home", img);
        item.setActionListener(new GActionListener() {
            public void action(GObject gobj) {
                GFrame gframe = new GFrame("demo", 50, 50, 300, 500);
                init(gframe.getView(), vg, ccb);
                gframe.align(GGraphics.HCENTER | GGraphics.VCENTER);
        menu.addItem("Search", img);
        menu.addItem("New", img);
        menu.addItem("My", img);

        return form;

    public void init(GContainer parent, final long vg, final GuiCallBack ccb) {
//        light = new Light();

        int x = 8, y = 10;
        GTextField gif = new GTextField("", "search", x, y, 280, 25);
        y += 30;
        GLabel lb1 = new GLabel("Login", x, y, 280, 20);
        y += 25;
        GTextField mail = new GTextField("", "Email", x, y, 280, 28);
        y += 35;
        GTextField pwd = new GTextField("", "Password", x, y, 280, 28);
        y += 35;
//        String conttxt = "  \n  \n ";
        String conttxt = "子窗口This is longer chunk of text.\n  \n  Would have used lorem ipsum but she    was busy jumping over the lazy dog with the fox and all the men who came to the aid of the party.";
        conttxt += "I test the program ,there are two window , one window left a button that open the other window, the other left a button for close self.\n"
                + "\n"
                + "the issue maybe related with font , if i use nuklear defult font , the bug nerver show , but i am using chinese font (google android system default font), the bug frequently occure. the app memory using about 180M with default font in macos, use chinese font it would be 460M, is that nuklear load all glyph? but it's not the cause of bug .\n"
                + "\n"
                + "i have a reference that using stb_truetype, follow code is a stbtt test case , the code using chinese font ,that var byteOffset is -64 , out of the allocated bitmap memory . but i 'm not sure there is a same issue, only a note.";
        GTextBox cont = new GTextBox(conttxt, "Contents", x, y, 280, 188);
        y += 195;

        GCheckBox cbox = new GCheckBox("Remember me", true, x, y, 140, 28);
        GButton sig = new GButton("Sign in", x + 138, y, 140, 28);
        sig.setBgColor(0, 96, 128, 255);
        sig.setActionListener(new GActionListener() {
            public void action(GObject gobj) {
                Random ran = new Random();
                GFrame sub1 = new GFrame(/*"子窗口"*/"颜色选择", 40 + ran.nextInt(100), 50 + ran.nextInt(100), 300, 600);
                GContainer panel = sub1.getView();
                init1(panel, vg);
        y += 35;
        GLabel lb2 = new GLabel("Diameter", x, y, 280, 20);
        y += 25;
        //drawEditBoxNum(vg, "123.00", "px", x + 180, y, 100, 28);
        GScrollBar sli = new GScrollBar(0.4f, GScrollBar.HORIZONTAL, x, y, 170, 28);
        y += 35;
        GButton bt1 = new GButton("Delete删除", x, y, 160, 28);
        bt1.setBgColor(128, 16, 8, 255);
        GButton bt2 = new GButton("Cancel", x + 170, y, 110, 28);
        bt2.setBgColor(0, 0, 0, 0);

        bt1.setActionListener(new GActionListener() {
            public void action(GObject gobj) {
                System.out.println("delete something");
        bt2.setActionListener(new GActionListener() {
            public void action(GObject gobj) {
                System.out.println("switch app");


    public void init1(GContainer parent, long vg) {
        GImage img = new GImage("./image4.png");

        int x = 10, y = 10;
        GList list = new GList(x, y, 280, 30);
        int i = Nanovg.nvgCreateImage(vg, Gutil.toUtf8("./image4.png"), 0);
        list.setItems(new GImage[]{img, img, img, img, img, img, img, img, img, img},
                new String[]{"One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten",});

        y += 50;
        parent.add(new TestCanvas(x, y, 280, 150));
        y += 160;
        list = new GList(x, y, 280, 140);
        list.setItems(new GImage[]{img, img, img, img, img, img, img, img, img, img},
                new String[]{"One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine", "Ten",});

        y += 150;
        GColorSelector cs = new GColorSelector(0, x, y, 130, 130);


    class TestCanvas extends GCanvas {

//        GLFrameBuffer glfb;
//        GLFrameBufferPainter glfbRender;
        GImage img3D;

        public TestCanvas(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
            super(x, y, w, h);
//            glfb = new GLFrameBuffer(300, 300);
//            glfbRender = new GLFrameBufferPainter() {
//                @Override
//                public void paint() {
//                    light.setCamera();
//                    light.draw();
//                }
//            };
//            img3D = new GImage(glfb.getTexture(), glfb.getWidth(), glfb.getHeight());

        int pos = 0, delta = 1;

        public void paint(GGraphics g) {
            g.fillRect(0, 0, (int) getW(), (int) getH());
            g.drawLine(0, 100, 100, 100);
            pos += delta;
            if (pos > 50) {
                delta = -1;
            if (pos < 0) {
                delta = 1;
            g.drawString("this is a canvas", pos, 50, GGraphics.TOP | GGraphics.LEFT);
//            glfb.render(glfbRender);
//            g.drawImage(img3D, 0, 0, 100, 100, GGraphics.TOP | GGraphics.LEFT);

  • Windows mini_jvm gui
    Windows shot
  • Macos mini_jvm gui
    Macos shot
  • Linux mini_jvm gui
    Linux shot


License: unlicense

Gust , zhangpeng@egls.cn , Technology and production manage in EGLS ltd. EGLS is a game develop company in China .