Workshop: animating the web with css and javascript

This 4 hours hand-on workshop was the occasion for me to "play the teacher", and explore animations on the web for a group of 22 junior frontend developers at BeCode. It took place on 19 April 2018 in Brussels as part of a series of workshops called "les pâturages d'été".

Workshop ambitions :

  • understand when to use CSS keyframes and when to use libraries (like Greensock, my tender <3 )
  • build a few animations on top of an HTML page, with CSS that I provided.
  • understand the benefits of each and get a first grip.

Feedbacks from the participants

Très bon, WorkShop je suis sur que tu aurais pu faire une journée avec tout ce que tu connais déjà ! Mais c'était très bien expliqué et puis les exercices étaient une bonne idée ! – Thomas Point

Super Workshop Kev. J'ai enfin compris comment faire des animes facilement! Grand grand merci ! – Valerian Thomas

The programme.

CSS Animations

Let's start with the beginning: CSS animations with media queries and timing functions.

  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  background-color: #0ff203;
  animation:move 8s infinite ease-in-out;
@keyframes move{
    transform: translate(200px, 0) rotate(360deg);
    background-color: #222;
    background-color: #000;

Here is the codepen link []

Then we took a step forward with javascript and jquery with GSAP library

To do so i've created a webpack config file that can reload the browser every time the is a change. Also i have implemented axios to make AJAX request easier :)


You just have to clone the repo then go to the downloaded folder and run the command.

npm install

To watch the file in the workstation you need to run.

npm run watch 

  • By default the browser will go in the public folder.
  • In the URL you need to put a /index.html

First Exercices

  • the first exercices was to play a little bit with TweenLite and just change the DOM.
  • i have a very good method to explain how elements can move on a page :)
  • We play with opacity height width and control X & Y positions.

Second Exercice play with the Timeline

  • I just did a brief intoduction on how timelinemax works.
  • Then i show them a timeline scene to reproduce and it went prety well for almost every one.

Animation on Scroll

  • So yes we did some greate animations with TweenLite TweenMax TimlineLite TimelineMax.
  • But i want to show the animation on scroll.
  • That is why i choose ScrollMagic.
  • First Step: TriggerElement on when to start the animation
  • Second Step: Add the tween we have created before. Just put de name of the animation * variable in the function :p
  • third step: DEBUUUUG :p (part of the job and the workshop) ;)

Third and last exercise

  • i let you enjoy the header if you want to clone the repo.
  • I've just pick the animation from awwwards website to proove that animations are not that hard ;)

enjoy ;)