
GTech - Week 7 -Project 1

Primary LanguageHTML

#Project 1: Watch & Sip

Project Description:

Our goal is to solve boredom during this quarantine. The user will visit the site and, upon answering a few questions,
will be presented with a tailored selection of food, drinks, and movies.

User Story:

AS A quarantined member of society
I WANT to find food, a movie, and a drink that fits my needs
SO THAT I can occupy my time

Acceptance Criteria:

WHEN I enter the site
THEN I am presented with instructions
WHEN I click to get started
THEN I am presented with two questions
WHEN I answer the questions
THEN I am presented with four random meals, drinks, and movies to choose from
WHEN I see my food, drink, and movie choices
THEN I am able to read their ingredients and movie descriptions
WHEN I select an item
THEN I can review my order
WHEN I review my order
THEN I am able to start over or share to social media

APIs Used:

* The Cocktail Database (https://www.thecocktaildb.com/api.php)
* The Meal Database (https://www.themealdb.com/api.php)
* The Movie Database / TMDB (https://developers.themoviedb.org/3) 

GitHub Pages
