
Primary LanguageTypeScript

News Plus

News Plus is a latest news app created with the public API gnews.io. It features several features such as a search feature, simple authentication, and many more.

Notes :

  1. the latest version of React Native has a default of using TypeScript, so a little adaptation is necessary.
  2. Some files were purposely not included in the .gitignore to facilitate the installation process.

Used libraries:

  1. React Navigation.
  2. React Native Toast Message.
  3. React Native Reanimated
  4. React Native Firebase
  5. Firebase Remote Config
  6. Firebase auth
  7. babel plugin module resolver
  8. React Native WebView


Ahmad Fathoni Zumaro


Design inspired by Getuk


  1. Responsive mobile screen
  2. Illustration
  3. Image
  4. Firebase Auth and Remote Config


  1. clone the repository
  2. install all dependencies with command yarn install or npm install and command cd ios && pod install for ios
  3. link asset to native project with command npx react-native-asset
  4. run application with command yarn android or yarn ios
  5. Initially, you will come across the onboarding page. This onboarding page provides a brief overview of the News Plus application.
  6. You can sign up first by clicking the 'Daftar dengan email' button, or you can log in directly using the user@mailinator.com account with the password 12345678"
  7. On the home page, there is a highlight of news and other content. There is also a drawer menu by clicking the avatar icon in the top right corner.
  8. You can log out of your account by clicking the logout button in the drawer menu.


  1. The gnews.io API has a limit of 100 requests per day, with a time interval of 1 second when accessing the API.
  2. Some features are still unfinished.
  3. The responsive feature size is still imperfect for Android devices with a screen size greater than 4.5 inches.
  4. There is no Figma mockup, everything follows the design outlined above
  5. No unit tests were performed because I am not yet familiar with TypeScript.




  1. Create env
  2. BASE_URL=https://gnews.io/api/v4
  3. API_KEY= create api key in gnews.io