
Send to Sentry in the background

Primary LanguagePHP


Raven is a client for recording and transmitting messages to Sentry.

Its special sauce is that it can transmit those messages to Sentry in the background. No more slow down while a HTTP request is made!


Add rcrowe\raven as a requirement to composer.json:

    "require": {
        "rcrowe/raven": "dev-master"

Update your packages with composer update or install with composer install.


This library exposes the same API for recording your messages as the official raven-php client. It should just be a case of replacing Raven_Client with rcrowe\Raven\Client. For usage of recording messages checkout out raven-php.

To record a message and transmit it to Sentry straight away (the default):

$raven = new \rcrowe\Raven\Client(##DSN##);



Handlers are responsible for taking a new captured raven message and putting into a background queue. If no handler is registered with the raven client the message is transmitted straight away.

A handler can be added to the client as follows:

$raven = new \rcrowe\Raven\Client(##DSN##);

    new \rcrowe\Raven\Handler\Sync

Sync Handler

(Default) Like raven-php new messages are transmitted straight away.

Laravel Handler

If using within a Laravel project, makes use of the illuminate\queue API. For improved Laravel intergration checkout the Laravel provider below.

$raven = new \rcrowe\Raven\Client(##DSN##);

    new \rcrowe\Raven\Handler\Laravel(

Resque Handler

TODO - Will be based around https://github.com/chrisboulton/php-resque


Transports are responsible for sending the message to the Sentry API. Transports are always the first parameter passed into a handler. If no transport is provided it will default to HTTP.

    new \rcrowe\Raven\Handler\Sync(
        new \rcrowe\Raven\Transport\Dummy

Dummy transport does absolutely nothing. Nothing is transmitted to the API. You may not want to transmit to any messages when working in a dev environment.


(Default) Transmit the message over HTTP. To do this we make use of the great HTTP client Guzzle.

    new \rcrowe\Raven\Handler\Sync(
        new \rcrowe\Raven\Transport\Guzzle

As this is the default transport mechanism there is no need to pass it into the handler. The above call is the same as:

    new \rcrowe\Raven\Handler\Sync




Providers offer painless integration to other libraries / frameworks.



Raven needs to know your client DSN. First publish the Raven config file with the following command:

php artisan config:publish rcrowe/raven --path vendor/rcrowe/raven/src/Provider/Laravel/config/

Then edit app/config/packages/rcrowe/raven/config.php

Now add the RavenServiceProvider to app/config/app.php:


Make sure app/config/queue.php is setup with how you want to connect to your background queue. For further information on working with queues in Laravel checkout their docs.


Now where ever you want to record a message just use the normal Log facade.

try {
    throw new Exception('This is an example');
} catch (Exception $ex) {