
artofsoul template :computer: :coffee: is AngularJS and Spring Boot web structure: is free, faster, best practice for web development.

Primary LanguageCSS


ArtofSoul template is AngularJS and Spring Boot web structure Made Easy: Everything you need to kickstart AngularJS projects: a best-practice directory structure, an intelligent build system, and the best web design libraries around.

Getting Started

ArtofSoul Template is Spring & AngularJS Web.

Developted by IntelliJ IDE (can use even on Eclipse). Include: AngularJS, Spring Boot, Tomcat server, Spring Security, Bootstarp, JUnit, Mockito, spring HATEOAS, Spring Exceptions, JSON annotations, H2 Database Engine, hibernate, DBCP, nodejs, gruntjs, bower and more....

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Installing & Running

Before you start with project Dont forget to install, learn and use:

1 - First on terminal(command prompt - cmd) type: mvn tomcat:run

2 - open browser on: http://localhost:8080/artofsoul-template/app/index.html

(if port 8080 of is not use by other server)
(Don't forget to run as java jdk environment)

Have Fun!

Built With


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