ArtofSoul template is AngularJS and Spring Boot web structure Made Easy: Everything you need to kickstart AngularJS projects: a best-practice directory structure, an intelligent build system, and the best web design libraries around.
ArtofSoul Template is Spring & AngularJS Web.
Developted by IntelliJ IDE (can use even on Eclipse). Include: AngularJS, Spring Boot, Tomcat server, Spring Security, Bootstarp, JUnit, Mockito, spring HATEOAS, Spring Exceptions, JSON annotations, H2 Database Engine, hibernate, DBCP, nodejs, gruntjs, bower and more....
Before you start with project Dont forget to install, learn and use:
1 - First on terminal(command prompt - cmd) type: mvn tomcat:run
2 - open browser on: http://localhost:8080/artofsoul-template/app/index.html
(if port 8080 of is not use by other server)
(Don't forget to run as java jdk environment)
Have Fun!