
Customizable checks on pre-commit (staged) contents

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Check staged contents before commiting

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Because we love git hooks and npm, we want to share and automate code/content quality.

git-precommit-checks has to be loaded manually or using any wrapper around git hooks.

As you can read below we highly recommend Husky.

How does it look?


npm install --save-dev git-precommit-checks

How to setup my checking rules?

Configuration is loaded from package.json so you can customize it according to your needs.

Here is an example :

"git-precommit-checks": {
  "rules": [
      "filter": "\\.js$",
      "nonBlocking": "true",
      "message": "You’ve got leftover `console.log`",
      "regex": "console\\.log"
      "message": "You’ve got leftover conflict markers",
      "regex": "/^[<>|=]{4,}/m"
      "message": "You have unfinished devs",
      "nonBlocking": "true",
      "regex": "(?:FIXME|TODO)"

Each "pre-commit" entry is a checking rule: the pattern describes a regular expression that will be searched upon staged content. The associated message is displayed when the pattern is found.

Each rule will stop the commit when the associated pattern is found unless you set the nonBlocking key to true. Non blocking rules will print warning messages.

You can also filter on files patterns using the filter key.

Only message and regex keys are mandatory.

⚠️ There is no default checks configured after install, so please be aware that nothing will happend without adding your own rules!

Display options

You can add an optional display entry in your config to enable some options:

"git-precommit-checks": {
  "display": {
    "notifications": true,
    "offending-content": true,
    "rules-summary": true,
    "short-stats": true,
    "verbose": true
  • notifications: print error/warning summary using system notification.
  • offending-content: print offending contents right after associated file path and line number.
  • rules-summary: print rules as a table before parsing staged files.
  • short-stats: print short stats (ie. 1 error, 1 warning.).
  • verbose: print every performed action, files parsed, short summary/stats (errors and warnings number).


Triggering it straight with git hooks

After installing locally or globally your module, add the following code (or equivalent) to your project pre-commit hook .git/hooks/pre-commit:

scriptPath="$(npm bin)/$scriptName"

if [ -f $scriptPath ]; then
  echo "Can't find $scriptName module"
  echo "You can reinstall it using 'npm install $scriptName --save-dev' or delete this hook"

Running git-precommit-checks with Husky

Husky is a great tool to manage git hooks from your package.json.

You can use it and call git-precommit-checks on pre-commit:

  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "git-precommit-checks"


Any contribution is welcomed. Here is our contribution guideline