
💪 GoToGym App for search club gyms demo v1

Primary LanguageCSS


This repository contains Full-Stack (MEAN) project GoToGym in which users can find and search for local gyms and different activities.

Can be seen online at: https://gotogymapp.herokuapp.com/

GoToGym is made with NodeJS and ExpressJS for the part of the server, and the client part is made with AngularJS.

Coding Style

All the code has been developed under the JavaScript Standard Style and the style guide of the John Papa


Topics covered in this demo:

  • API endpoints using data from a MongoDb collection to retrieve data or perform actions

  • Angular App using this data to display the info to the user

    • controllers
    • services
    • routes
  • Google Maps


You need to have installed NodeJS with npm, bower and MongoDB

Configuration env file

You need to create an .env file in the project root with the following environment variables configured:

  • Port:
  • Mongodb path and database to use:
  • Secret word to encrypt users' passwords:
  • Email configuration:

To run the server:

    npm run dev

All dependencies will be installed automatically

Built with:

  • SublimeText Editor

  • Front-end

    • AngularJS 1.6.2
    • Angular-route: 1.6.3
    • Angular-jwt: 0.1.9
    • Ng-table@: 4.0.0
    • Ng-map
    • jquery: 3.2.1
    • Bootstrap: 3.3.7
    • Font-awesome: 4.7.0
    • Smooth-scroll: 11.0.2
    • SweetAlert: 2
    • lightbox2: 2.51
  • Fonts

    • Oleo+Scripts
    • Asap
    • IM Fell Great Primer SC
  • Back-end

    • body-parser: 1.17.2
    • bower: 1.8.0
    • dotenv: 4.0.0
    • express: 4.15.3
    • express-jwt: 5.3.0
    • jsonwebtoken: 7.4.1
    • mongoose: 4.10.4
    • Nodemailer: 4.0.1
    • passport: 0.3.2
    • passport-jwt: 2.2.1
    • passport-local: 1.0.0
    • passport-local-mongoose: 4.0.0


Toni Marchante



Copyright © 2017 Toni.