
A Python client for Wallapop

Primary LanguagePython


This library provides a pure Python client for Wallapop. It works with Python versions from 2.6+ and Python 3.


Already implemented:

  • User:
    • Profile.
    • Sold items.
    • Unsold published items.
    • Reviews sent to others.
    • Reviews received by others.
  • Items search.

Other endpoints will be implemented as needed or requested.


You can install wallapopy using:

$ pip install wallapopy


The motivation for this project was to enable research about reputation in the Sharing Economy. Because I needed lots of data, it includes not only a client but also a request builder which can be used together with Scrapy (example).


>>> from wallapopy import WallapopClient
>>> client = WallapopClient()
>>> client.user(40000000)
{u'gender': u'M', u'image': {u'averageHexColor': u'565b51', u'pictureId': 148033140...

Request Builder

It returns how to query the data: at the moment the url and HTTP method as nothing more is needed for the implemented endpoints.

>>> from wallapopy import WallapopRequestBuilder
>>> request_builder = WallapopRequestBuilder()
>>> request_builder.user(40000000)
{'method': 'GET', 'url': 'http://pro2.wallapop.com/shnm-portlet/api/v1/user.json/40000000?'}