Task Management Board

Task management board is an Angular application designed to help users manage their tasks efficiently. It provides a user-friendly interface with features such as task creation, drag-and-drop functionality, filtering, and more. This app is implemented by utilizing Angular's new reactive primitive, Angular Signals.

Production deployed app: Task Management Board

Installing dependencies

Run npm install to fetch and install all the required libraries and project dependencies.

Development server

Run npm run start or ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Running unit tests

Run npm run test or ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.


Run npm run build or ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.


✅ Implemented feature

⚠️ Features that are not implemented

Project Requirements


Develop a task management board that allows users to manage tasks across different statuses. The board should include features such as drag-and-drop functionality, task creation, editing, and filtering.

Project Features

  1. Task Board Layout:

    • Create a task management board with multiple columns representing different task statuses, such as "To Do," "In Progress," and "Completed."
  2. Drag-and-Drop Functionality: ✅ (Angular directives implemented as a wrapper for native HTML Drag and Drop API)

    • Implement drag-and-drop functionality to allow users to move tasks between different columns on the task board.
    • Use HTML5's native Drag and Drop API.
  3. Add New Tasks:

    • Enable users to add new tasks to the task board by providing an input field or a modal dialog.
    • When a task is added, it should appear in the appropriate column based on its status.
  4. Edit and Delete Tasks:

    • Allow users to edit task details, such as the task title or description, by clicking on the task.
    • Implement a delete option to remove tasks from the task board entirely.
  5. Task Details:

    • Display additional information for each task, such as due date, priority, assigned team member, or any other relevant details.
    • Include options to view the task details in a modal or an expanded view.
  6. Task Filtering:

    • Add filtering options to the task board to help users focus on specific tasks.
    • Implement filters based on criteria like assigned team member, due date, or priority level.
  7. Local Storage: ✅ (Angular storage service implemented that is using the 'typed-local-store' library, a lightweight wrapper for localStorage to provide type safe access)

    • Persist the task board data using the browser's local storage ( ✅ ) or IndexedDB.
    • This will allow users to retrieve their task board even after closing or refreshing the page.
  8. Responsiveness:

    • Ensure that the task management board is responsive and works well on different screen sizes and devices.
    • Use CSS media queries and flexible layouts to adapt to different viewports.
  9. Styling:

    • Apply CSS styles to enhance the visual appeal of the task management board.
    • Use appropriate colors, typography, and layout techniques to create an intuitive and visually pleasing interface.
  10. Error Handling:

    • Handle potential errors, such as invalid inputs or failed data storage, by providing appropriate error messages and fallback mechanisms.
    • Validate user inputs and handle any edge cases to ensure a smooth user experience.
  11. Accessibility:

    • Consider accessibility guidelines by providing appropriate alt text for images, keyboard navigation support, and ensuring sufficient color contrast ( ⚠️ ) for users with visual impairments.
  12. Testing: ✅ (Jasmine testing framework and Karma test runner)

    • Write automated tests using a testing framework like Mocha and Jasmine ( ✅ ) or a framework of your choice to verify the functionality of critical components.
    • Test task creation, drag-and-drop functionality, and data persistence to ensure the reliability of the task management board.