The latest version is mostly working with iOS 12 thanks to @cysp's kind pull request, however the new date status bar functionality on the iPad is not yet supported. It is being discussed in #68 and #72, and of course pull requests with support for this are very welcome.
Modify the iOS Simulator so that it has a perfect status bar, then run your app and take perfect screenshots every time. The modifications made are designed to match the images you see on the Apple site and are as follows:
- 9:41 AM is displayed for the time.
- The battery is full and shows 100%.
- On iPhone: The carrier text is removed, 5 bars of cellular signal and full WiFi bars are displayed.
- On iPad: The carrier text is set to "iPad" and full WiFi bars are displayed.
- Clone this repository.
- Open SimulatorStatusMagic.xcodeproj with Xcode 6 (or above).
- Run the app target
) on whichever simulator type you would like to modify (it works with every device). - Once the app launches, press the only button on the screen :)
- That's it, you're done! Now just run your app and take screenshots.
Run the app again and click "Restore Default Status Bar". Resetting the iOS Simulator using the normal menu option also works.
Yes! SimulatorStatusMagic is available via CocoaPods, Carthage and as a standalone source release. Installation instructions are available for each method.
It is recommended to only include SDStatusBarManager
in your debug configuration so that the code is never included in release builds. Then, when you want to apply a perfect status bar, call [[SDStatusBarManager sharedInstance] enableOverrides]
. To restore the standard status bar, call [[SDStatusBarManager sharedInstance] disableOverrides]
If you'd prefer to automate the app itself to automatically enable or disable the overrides, this can be done with environment variables.
Run with:
The overrides will be automatically enabled or disabled on launch.
No. The status bar server is blocked on devices. However, macOS includes the facility to include a perfect status bar when recording your device screen with QuickTime (Read more).
The best idea is to check the source code which should get you started with how it works :)
We'd love contributions and even have some suggestions for things that might need working on:
- Found a bug? If you report it with a pull request attached then you get a gold star :)
Non-English language support. We'd love it to work with more languages.Now works with every language!
However, the scope of this project is intentionally limited. We're not planning to add options to this to allow ultimate customisation of the status bar. It's intended to do just one job really well, change the status bar to match Apple's marketing materials.