
Git and VI wrapper for simpler version tracking

Primary LanguageShell

vi and git combiner editor

Usage: git.vi [-h] [-a] [-m "message"] file <file> ...

	-h  Display this message

	-a  All files will be committed with the same commit message.
	    This message is the first file to be edited.

	-m  All files will be committed with the same commit message.
	    This message should be supplied on the command line.

	-e  Do not edit the file(s).
	    This is very usefull for automatic checkins

This program works best when used with git filters, such as the
'gitvi' filter.

In my ~/.gitconfig it says:
	[filter "gitvi"]
		smudge = /home/tonk/bin/git/git.expand
		clean = /home/tonk/bin/git/git.collapse

See my blog on how to use this (http://tonkersten.com)

		git.vi -m "Changed the version number" *.cfg
		git.vi -a *.cfg

If both the '-m' and '-a' option are given, the '-m' has precedence.

With "git config gitvi.umask 007" the umask for this development tree can be
set. Of course it's possible to set another umask, this is just an example.

These git config variables are used:

# $Id:: README 2 2011-09-21 15:44:49 tonk                                   $:
# $Revision:: 2                                                             $: