
Generate templates for Bash, KSH, Perl, RPM, C, etc

Primary LanguagePerl

header 4.50 by Ton Kersten
Syntax: header [options]

        --nameinfo=filename     Use an alternative name.info file <~/.name.info>
        --language=language     Programming language <bash>
        --file=filename         Output filename
        --copyright=cpy         Copyright message (<short>|yes|gnu|none)
        --short                 Use a short header
        --stdout                Print the output to stdout
        --notrail               Do NOT print the trailing copyright
        --headlang=nl|en        Which header language to use <en>
        --tabstop=n|--ts=n      What tabstop size to use <4>
        --width=n               What headerwidth to use <80>
        --vcs=git|svn|none      What version control system to use <git>
        --help                  Print this help

Options can be abbriviated, as long as they can be uniquely identified

Supported program languages:
    atroff bash c config go html init js ksh latex nagios pascal
    perl php puppet python rexx spec tic vim yml zone

Complete the 'name.info' file and place it in your home directory
with name '.name.info'.

Have fun,

# $Id:: README 11 2014-06-12 13:59:55 tonk                                  $:
# $Revision:: 11                                                            $: