
Start/stop Sidekiq workers on Heroku

Primary LanguageRuby

Sidekiq Heroku Autoscaler

Sidekiq performs background jobs. While it's threading model allows it to scale easier than worker-pre-process background systems, people running test or lightly loaded systems on Heroku still want to scale down to zero to avoid racking up charges.


Tested on Ruby 1.9.2 and Heroku Cedar stack.


gem install sidekiq

Getting Started

This gem uses the Herkou-Api gem, which requires an API key from Heroku. It will also need the heroku app name. By default, these are specified through environment variables. You can also pass them to HerkouScaler explicitly.


Install the middleware in your Sidekiq.configure_ blocks

Sidekiq.configure_client do |config|
  config.client_middleware do |chain|
    chain.add Autoscaler::Sidekiq::Client, 'default' => Autoscaler::HerokuScaler.new

Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
  config.server_middleware do |chain|
    chain.add(Autoscaler::Sidekiq::Server, Autoscaler::HerokuScaler.new, 60)

Limits and Challenges

  • HerokuScaler includes an attempt at current-worker cache that may be overcomplication, and doesn't work very well (see next)
  • Multiple threads often send scaling requests at once. Heroku seems to handle this well.
  • Workers sleep-loop and are not actually returned to the pool; when a job or timeout happen, they can all release at once.

Long Jobs

Since the shutdown check gets performed every time a job completes, the timeout will need to be longer than the longest job. For mixed workloads, you might want to have multiple sidekiq processes defined. I use one with many workers for general work, and a single-worker process for long import jobs. See examples/complex.rb


The project is setup to run RSpec with Guard.

The HerokuScaler is not tested by default because it makes live API requests. Specify HEROKU_APP and HEROKU_API_KEY on the command line, and then watch your app's logs.

heroku logs --app ...


Justin Love, @wondible, https://github.com/JustinLove

Ported to Heroku-Api by Fix Peña, https://github.com/fixr


Released under the MIT license.