TonAPI dApp Example

This project demonstrates how to build a decentralized application (dApp) using TonAPI via the @ton-api/client. It simplifies interaction with the TON blockchain by providing pre-processed data formats. The project is built with React, TypeScript, and Vite, and integrates TonConnect for wallet interaction.

View the example here


  • TonAPI via @ton-api/client: Enables straightforward blockchain interaction with TON, making it easy to fetch and send data in usable formats.
  • TonConnect Integration: Wallet connection for interacting with the dApp.

Quick Start

  1. Install dependencies: npm install
  2. Start the development server: npm run dev

To use the full API functionality, add your API key from TonConsole in the .env file:


For browser-based dApps, it's recommended to set usage limits by IP when issuing the key. The app can still run without the key for basic functionality.