My implementation of the Phrasee backend end technical test

I choose to use Azure functions. Only having 4 hours to complete the task I thought this would be a good option as it allows me to get going really fast, and easily host the API's I thought this was good option because the task was to transform some data using 3 endpoints and not really build an application using a certain framework.

I did not do a TDD approach as I thought it would be better time spent on showing a clean technical ability to solve the task at hand. If this was a prod build there would be unit tests. I used Typescript

This was a fun task, I really enjoyed it and feel like I have demonstrated some clean basic coding. There are some mocked out functions like token decoding and basic object serialization.

Run locally

  • npm install
  • npm run start


There is a postman file (notifications.postman_collection) you and download and import the collection into postman, it contains the local endpoints and hosted endpoints


  • Each function/endpoint is contained in it's own folder, each folder has a functions.json which specifies things like the URL schema
  • Helpers folder contains re usable functions
  • @types contains all types for Typescript