
Server-side calculator for eddy current testing (ECT) non-destructive testing (NDT) technique. The probe type considered here uses hall-effect sensor, instead of the common excitation coil or a separate sensing coil.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This ECT calculator provides the responses from a hall-effect sensor of an eddy current testing (ECT) probe for nondestructive-testing (NDT) purposes. It is intended for self-practise on Node, ExpressJS, Javascript on browser and MathJS. The calculation is made on server to avoid the use of expensive computation power on client's browser.

The calculation is based on ETREE model developed by Yong Li.

The calculation takes ~15 s, so please be patient🙏.


This project is hosted by Heroku: https://hidden-hollows-76655.herokuapp.com/ .


  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • MathJS


Cloning this repo

git clone https://github.com/farisnafiah/ECT-calculator.git
$ cd ECT-UI

Installing NPM modules

$ npm install

Starting Node app

$ nodemon index.js