
Proof of Concept to use Spring framework to handle REST Services

Primary LanguageJava

Proof of Concepts


We have three PoC in this project:

  1. PoC to use Spring framework to handle REST Services.
  2. PoC in Java language to find students that is inside a course using their geolocation.
  3. PoC in Python language to find students that at least two are inside the same class using their geolocation.


PoC Spring

PoC to create Rest Services using the Spring Framework and Java 8


Run Project Spring

  1. compile the project
mvn compile
  1. generate Jar
mvn package
  1. run project
java -jar target/course-api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
  1. Open your favorite browser and open the following url : http://localhost:8080/
  2. To see documentation open the file rest-documentation.ymal in http://editor.swagger.io/

PoC Java

The format printed is not the same from the examples, but the answer is the same that we want

Run project Java

Import the project in IDE that you want and execute the class Main also you can run the UnitTest in the project

PoC Python

The script main.py call the method exampleSimulationOne that calls all methods to simulate studentClustersInClasses


  • Python 2.7.6

Run project Python

To run project enter to the directory student-geolocation-python then run the following command in terminal:

python main.py