
An example how to build a xtext project with tycho

Primary LanguageJava

Xtext Tycho Example

This is a demo project showing how to build an Xtext project with tycho / maven. It features:

  • Project is based on Xtext and Xtend 2.7.3
  • Running the xtext generator mwe2 workflow from maven with help of the fornax mwe2 plugin
  • Generated files are not checked in, everything gets generated during the build and is ignored by git
  • maven clean removes all previously generated artifacts
  • Running the xtend2 compiler from maven
  • Creating an executable eclipse product containing the Xtext editor (without the JDT)
  • Setting up continuous integration build with travis (http://travis-ci.org), Build Status: Build Status
  • Specify the file encoding on the command line
  • Using an xtext grammar with special characters, i.e. setting the encoding for the xtext grammar

This project uses the Eclipse Luna release (4.4) as it's target platform.

Quick Start

The project is build by:

$ cd releng/org.xtext.example.parent
$ mvn package


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