OpenLANE is made up of three main components :

  • A collection of tools used during the flow. This is what this build script handles.
  • The PDK itself (i.e. data files describing the process).
  • OpenLANE itself which is the script making use of the above two.

Install the tools

sudo apt install tcl-dev tk-dev csh libjpeg-dev tcllib python3-pandas

mkdir -p ${HOME}/sky130
cd ${HOME}/sky130

git clone

cd openlane-baremetal

source ${HOME}/sky130/openlane_workspace/

Build script configurations

Some environment variables can be defined to override defaults during the build.

Variable Description
OPENLANE_WORKSPACE Location of the workspace where the _root and _build will be placed (Default: ${HOME}/sky130
nproc Number of threads to use during build (Default: 12)
TAG Name of the local git branch used for build (Default: build_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S)
TOOLS List of tools to build (Default: build all)

Install the PDKs

mkdir -p ${HOME}/sky130/openlane_workspace/pdks
export PDK_ROOT=${HOME}/sky130/openlane_workspace/pdks

git clone
cd skywater-pdk
git submodule update --init libraries/sky130_fd_sc_hd/latest
make sky130_fd_sc_hd

git clone
cd open_pdks
./configure --with-sky130-source="${PDK_ROOT}/skywater-pdk/libraries" --with-sky130-local-path="${PDK_ROOT}"
cd sky130
make install-local

Install OpenLANE itsef

cd ${HOME}/sky130/openlane_workspace/
git clone --branch develop

Using OpenLANE

source ${HOME}/sky130/openlane_workspace/
cd ${HOME}/sky130/openlane_workspace/openlane
./flow.tcl -design spm