SQL Storage implementation for DataScript
Add this to deps.edn
io.github.tonsky/datascript-storage-sql {:mvn/version "2.0.0"}
Create storage by passing in javax.sql.DataSource
and :dbtype
(def datasource
(doto (org.sqlite.SQLiteDataSource.)
(.setUrl "jdbc:sqlite:target/db.sqlite")))
(def storage
(storage-sql/make datasource
{:dbtype :sqlite}))
You can also pass optional options:
(storage-sql/make datasource
{:dbtype :sqlite
:batch-size 1000
:table "datascript"
:ddl "create table if not exists datascript (addr INTEGER primary key, content TEXT)"
:freeze-str pr-str
:thaw-str clojure.edn/read-string})
Or use binary serialization:
(storage-sql/make datasource
{:dbtype :sqlite
(fn ^bytes [obj]
(with-open [out (ByteArrayOutputStream.)]
(t/write (t/writer out :msgpack) obj)
(.toByteArray out)))
(fn [^bytes b]
(t/reader (ByteArrayInputStream. b) :msgpack)))})
After that, use it as any other storage:
(d/create-conn schema {:storage storage})
(d/store db storage)
Currently supported :dbtype
If your JDBC driver only provides you with DataSource
and you want to add some basic pooling on top, use storage-sql/pool
(def datasource
(doto (SQLiteDataSource.)
(.setUrl "jdbc:sqlite:target/db.sqlite")))
(def pooled-datasource
(storage-sql/pool datasource
{:max-conn 10
:max-idle-conn 4}))
(def storage
(storage-sql/make pooled-datasource
{:dbtype :sqlite}))
takes non-pooled DataSource
and returns new DataSource
that pools connections for you.
If you used pool to create storage, you can close it this way:
(storage-sql/close storage)
Copyright © 2023 Nikita Prokopov
Licensed under MIT License.