My first try on writing an emulator. Chip8 for Mac OSX!
After reading an article about somebody who wrote an emulator for every thinkable platform out there, I got curious on how he achieved this for all these different platforms. I began looking around for a tutorial on how to get started with emulator development. Quickly I stumbled upon a nice tutorial at Multigesture.
This project is simply made by following that tutorial and extending the opcode list. I tried to do all opcodes myself, but there were a few that I couldn't get fixed easily so I copied those few from the source at Multigesture.
The ROMs I used for testing were found easily online so use Google or whatever search engine you like to find your desired ROMs. I didn't add them to this repo because I have no idea if there is still some kind of copyright to them.
- Load ROMs from commandline
- Check if ROM fits in memory
- Set refresh rate to static 60Hz
You are free to copy everything you need and alter the way you want, although I'm not liable for any damage this code does to you, your pc or your loved ones.