Fixer for TON archival nodes database

This script will fix databases of archival nodes and inject blocks from 3.7mil to 4.9mil into global index for autoload.

Who needs this

Anyone who operates TON archival node that does not preload archive files of the blocks mentioned above, to check if your node is affected you can try to access block 4000000 via blockchain explorer, if get error then you need this fixer.

Another way to check if your node needs this fix is to run:

ls -l /proc/`ps -A -o pid,cmd | grep validator-engine | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | awk '{print $1}'`/fd | grep arch0040 | wc -l

If this returns 0 then your node needs fixing.


TON Binaries

Your node should run latest ton binaries. If you use mytonctrl, run upgrade, if you build your own binaries, make sure to build and install latest master.

RocksDB ldb binary

It is very important that you use same version of rocksDB ldb binary as the library compiled into validator-engine. You can compile it yourself by running make in third-party/rocksdb/tools of your TON build directory.

A binary of ldb built on Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS is provided with this repository.


  • Stop your validator service
  • Make a backup or ZFS snapshot of node database


All commands shown in this guide assume that you run node with mytonctrl with default locations, if your locations differ make sure to adjust the commands accordingly.

It is also assumed that you are located in root of this cloned repository.

Make a backup copy of globalindex

sudo cp -Rp /var/ton-work/db/files/globalindex /var/ton-work/db/files/globalindex.bak

Dump your node globalindex

./bin/ldb --db=/var/ton-work/db/files/globalindex dump --hex > /tmp/globalindex.dump

Patch the dump

./ --dump=/tmp/globalindex.dump

If patch was ok script will return a SUCCESS message.

Reload globalindex from dump

cat /tmp/globalindex.dump | ./bin/ldb --db=/var/ton-work/db/files/globalindex load --hex --block_size=65536 --create_if_missing --disable_wal

Followup steps

You can start your validator service now, after start check if the node loads blocks using steps outlined in second chapter of this readme.