
Magic: The Gathering Arena draft tool that utilizes 17Lands data

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Magic: The Gathering Arena draft tool that utilizes 17Lands data.

This application will automatically support new sets as soon as the sets are released on Arena and the data is available on the https://www.17lands.com/card_ratings page.

Supported Events: Premier Draft*, Traditional Draft*, Quick Draft, Sealed, Traditional Sealed, and Special Events**

  • * For some events, the Arena log doesn't list P1P1 until after P1P2. The Card Compare feature can be used as a substitute for P1P1.
  • ** The application should support all special events that provide log entries (i.e., MWM, Qualifiers, etc.), although not all events have been tested.

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Run Steps: Windows Executable (Windows Only)

  • Step 1: Download and unzip the MTGA_Draft_17Lands-main.zip file, clone the repository, or download the latest executable (e.g., MTGA_Draft_Tool_V0285_Setup.exe) from the releases page.

  • Step 2: In Arena, go to Adjust Options, Account, and then check the Detailed Logs (Plugin Support) check box.

  • Step 3: Double-click setup.exe to start the installation.

    • The MTGA_Draft_Tool_V####_Setup.exe and setup.exe files are the same.
  • Step 4: (Optional) Go to the installed folder and right-click the executable (MTGA_Draft_Tool.exe), click properties, compatibility tab, and check Run this program as an administrator.

    • This step is only required if the application is installed in a directory with write restrictions (i.e., Program Files and Program Files (x86)).
    • This step isn't necessary if the application is installed in the main directory of a drive (i.e., C:/ or D:/) or the Users/<Username>/ directory
  • Step 5: Double-click the MTGA_Draft_Tool.exe to start the program.

  • Step 6: Download the sets that you plan on using (Data->View Sets).

  • Step 7: Start the draft in Arena.

Run Steps: Python (Windows/Mac)

  • Step 1: Download and unzip the MTGA_Draft_17Lands-main.zip file or clone the repository.

  • Step 2: In Arena, go to Adjust Options, Account, and then check the Detailed Logs (Plugin Support) check box.

  • Step 3: Download and install the latest version of python 3.

  • Step 4: Install the python package installer Pip by opening the terminal and entering python3.10 -m ensurepip --upgrade.

  • Step 5: Open the terminal and install the python libraries.

    • Windows: pip install -r requirements.txt
    • Mac: pip install -r requirements_mac.txt
  • Step 6: (Mac Only) Install web certificates by going to /Applications/Python 3.10/ and double-clicking the file Install Certificates.command.

  • Step 7: Start the application by opening the terminal and entering python3.10 main.py.

  • Step 8: (Mac Only) Set Arena to window mode.

  • Step 9: Download the sets that you plan on using (Data->View Sets).

  • Step 10: Start the draft in Arena.

Build Steps: setup.exe (Windows Only)

  • Step 1: Download and install the latest version of python 3.

  • Step 2: Install the python package installer Pip by opening the terminal and entering python3.10 -m ensurepip --upgrade.

  • Step 3: Open the terminal and enter pip install -r requirements.txt.

  • Step 4: Download Inno Setup

  • Step 5: Build MTGA_Draft_Tool.exe by opening the terminal and entering pyinstaller main.py --onefile --noconsole -n MTGA_Draft_Tool

    • Move the MTGA_Draft_Tool.exe file from the dist folder to the main MTGA_Draft_17Lands folder.
  • Step 6: Open Installer.iss in Inno Setup and click Build->Compile.

    • In the {app} folder, rename the mysetup.exe file to setup.exe and move the file to the main MTGA_Draft_17Lands folder.

UI Features

  • Current Draft: Lists the current draft type (i.e., Premier, Quick, or Traditional) that the application has identified.

    • In the Arena logs, P1P1 doesn't appear for Premier and Traditional drafts until after P1P2.
  • Data Source: Lists the current draft type (i.e., Premier, Quick, or Traditional) from which the application is pulling the card data.

    • The application will attempt to pull data for the current draft type and set (e.g., data from NEO_PremierDraft_Data.json for a Premier Draft). If the user hasn't downloaded the data file for the current draft type and set, then the application will attempt to use a different data file from the same set (e.g., NEO_QuickDraft_Data.json if NEO_PremierDraft_Data.json isn't available).
    • This field will display "None" if the application is unable to find a valid data file for the current draft type and set.
  • Deck Filter: A drop-down that lists all of the available deck color permutations that you can use to filter the deck card ratings.

    • The percentage next to the number represents the win rate for that color combination. These percentage values are collected from the color ratings page on 17Lands. If there are no values, then that means the sample size was too small to determine the win rate (unpopular deck combination).
    • The All Decks option lists the combined rating across all of the deck color combinations -The Auto option will keep the filter at All Decks for the first 15 picks and then switch over to the filter that best matches your taken cards. See the Auto Highest Rating note in the Card Logic section.
  • Pack, Pick Table: This table lists the cards contained in the current pack.

  • Missing Cards Table: This table will list the cards missing from a pack that has already been seen.

    • The user's chosen card will have an asterisk next to the name.
  • Draft Stats Table: This table lists the card distribution and total for creatures, noncreatures, and all cards that were taken during the draft.

    • The numbered columns represent the cost of the card (cmc).

Menu Features

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  • Read Draft Logs: Read the log file from a draft by selecting File->Open. Select a file that has the following naming scheme DraftLog_<Set>_<Draft Type>_<Draft_ID>.log file to read the file.

  • Download Set Data: Get to the Add Sets window by selecting Data->View Sets. Enter the set information and click on the ADD SET button to begin downloading the set data.

    • The download can take several minutes.
    • 17Lands will timeout the request if too many requests are made within a short period of time.
  • List Taken Cards: Get to the Taken Cards window by selecting Cards->Taken Cards.

    • This table lists the cards that were taken by the user throughout the draft.
  • List Suggested Decks: Get to the Suggested Decks window by selecting Cards->Suggest Decks.

    • This table lists a 40-card deck that the application has built from your taken cards. You might see multiple decks if the application can build them.
    • The application might be unable to build any decks if this option is selected before the draft is over or if too few creatures were taken.
      • The application builds the decks based on several requirements including the Games in Hand Win Rate of the individual cards. The rating listed is the combined Games in Hand Win Rate of all the cards in the deck.
  • Card Compare: Get to the Card Compare window by selecting Cards->Compare Cards. This window will allow you to compare cards that you've entered in.

    • This feature can be used to quickly compare cards for P1P1 of the Premier and Traditional drafts.

Additional Features

  • Hotkey: The user can use the hotkey CTRL+G to toggle between minimizing and maximizing the main application window.

    • This feature doesn't work on Mac.
    • You need to run the executable as an administrator for this feature to work in Arena.
  • Top-Level Window: The main application window, and subsequent windows, will act as an overlay and remain above all other windows, including the Arena screen.

  • Tier List: A tier list can be added to the drop-downs by following the instructions in ./Tools/TierScraper17Lands/README.txt.

  • Card Tooltips: Clicking on any card row will display a tooltip that contains the card images (back and front) and the 17Lands data.


  • Columns 2-7: Set the field for columns 2-7 of the pack table, missing table, and compare table.

    • Columns 2,3, and 4 can't be disabled.
  • Deck Filter Format: Used to switch the Deck Filter to either the color permutations (i.e., UB, BG, WUG, etc.) or the guild/shard/clan names (i.e., Dimir, Golgari, Bant, etc.)

  • Win Rate Format: Used to switch the results for the win rate fields (i.e., GIHWR, OHWR, GPWR, etc.) to percentage (17Lands values), ratings (5-point rating scale) or grades (A+ to F). See the Win Rate Ratings section for more details.

  • Enable Row Colors: Sets the row color to the card color.

  • Enable Color Identity: When enabled, the Colors field will display the mana symbols for a card's mana cost AND abilities (i.e., kicker, activated abilities, etc.)

  • Enable Draft Stats: Displays the draft stats table and drop-down in the main window.

  • Enable Missing Cards: Displays the missing cards table in the main window.

  • Enable Highest Rated: Enables the highest rated card logic for the Auto filter. See the auto highest rating note in the card logic section.

  • Enable Bayesian Average: Enables the bayesian average logic for all win rate fields. See the Bayesian average note in the card logic section.

  • Enable Draft Log: Records the draft in a log file within the ./Logs folder.

  • UI Size: Increase or decrease the size of the application text and images.

Card Logic:

  • Win Rate Grades: The application will use the non-zero GIHWR values to calculate the mean and standard deviation and assign a letter grade based on the number of standard deviations from the mean.
    • Example: If the mean win rate for the set is 56.8% and the standard deviation is 4.68, then a card with a win rate of 62% will have a letter grade of B since it's between 1 standard deviation (56.8 + 1 * 4.68 = 61.48%) and 1.33 standard deviations (56.8 + 1.33 * 4.68 = 63.02%) from the mean (see the table below).
Letter Grade Standard Deviations
A+ >= 2.33
A >= 2
A- >= 1.67
B+ >= 1.33
B >= 1
B- >= 0.67
C+ >= 0.33
C >= 0
C- >= -0.33
D+ >= -0.67
D >= -1
D- >= -1.33
F < -1.33
  • Win Rate Ratings: The application will calculate the mean and standard deviation to identify an upper and lower limit (-1.33 to 2.33 standard deviations from the mean) and perform the following calculation to determine a card's rating: ((card_gihwr - lower_limit) / (upper_limit - lower_limit)) * 5.0

    • Example: If the calculated mean and standard deviation for a set are 56.8% and 4.68, then the upper limit will be 56.8 + 2.33 * 4.68 = 67.7%, the lower limit will be 56.8 - 1.33 * 4.68 = 50.57%, and the resulting rating for a card with a win rate of 62% will be (((62 - 50.57) / (67.7 - 50.57)) * 5.0 = 3.3)
  • Bayesian Average: A Bayesian average calculation applied to all win rate data based on some assumptions (expected range of 40-60% with a mean of 50%).

    • Enabled: The application will perform this calculation on all win rate data. The adjustment made by this calculation will disappear as the sample count (e.g, Number of Games In Hand for the Games in Hand Win Rate) reaches 200.
    • Disabled: The application will not perform this calculation. If the sample count is fewer than 200, then the application will set the win rate to 0 (same as the 17Lands Card Ratings table).
  • Auto Highest Rating: If the Auto filter is set, and the user has taken at least 16 cards, then the application will try and determine the leading color combination from the taken cards. If the tool is unable to identify a definitive leading color pair, then it will display the highest win rate of the top two color combinations for each win rate field (e.g., GIHWR, OHWR, etc.). The filter label will display both color combinations separated by a slash (e.g., Auto (WB/UBG)).

    • Example: If the user has taken primarily black, blue, and green cards, and Generous Visitor has a BG win rate of 66% and a UB rating of 15%, then the displayed win rate will be 66%.
  • Deck Suggester: For each viable color combination, the deck suggester will construct multiple decks (Aggro, Mid, and Control decks), using some generic deck building requirements, from a card pool of the highest win rate cards. The suggester will rate each deck and choose the highest rated deck for each viable color combination. The deck suggester will NOT identify card synergies and build an intentionally synergistic deck.

    • Deck Building Requirements:
      • Aggro Deck:
        • The deck must have a minimum of 9 creatures and should have no less than 17 creatures.
        • The deck should have at least 2 1-drops, 5 2-drops, and 3 3-drops.
        • The average CMC of all of the creatures must be 2.40 or less.
        • The deck has 16 lands.
      • Mid Deck:
        • The deck must have a minimum of 9 creatures and should have no less than 15 creatures.
        • The deck should have at least 4 2-drops, 3 3-drops, 2 4-drops, and 1 5-drop.
        • The average CMC of all of the creatures must be 3.04 or less.
        • The deck has 17 lands.
      • Control Deck:
        • The deck must have a minimum of 9 creatures and should have no less than 10 creatures.
        • The deck should have at least 3 2-drops, 2 3-drops, 2 4-drops, and 1 5-drop.
        • The average CMC of all of the creatures must be 3.68 or less.
        • The deck has 18 lands.
    • Notes:
      • The CMC average and land requirements were derived from this article
      • The deck distribution and CMC requirements can result in the inclusion of some poor-performing cards. Example: If the user has a pool of white and blue cards, and the only 3-drops are Acquisition Octopus (53.7% for WU) and Guardians of Oboro (50.7% for WU), then the suggester will include those two cards to fulfill the 3-drop requirement (3 Aggro/3 Mid/3 Control).
      • The rating consists of the combined GIHWR of all of the cards minus penalties for not adhering to the deck requirements.
      • The NEO creature sagas count as creatures.