
scripts to download and annotate genomes from Genbank

Primary LanguagePython




 python-biopython, python3-biopython


 The files in this directory allow you to download multiple fasta files from Genbank. 
 You can also use the same files to download genbank records by subsitituting "rettype=fasta"
 with "rettype=gb" in the "*.py" files.


 clipper.sh - use this script to extract the gi number from a header format
 acc2fa.py -  run this script using python2 on a list of gi or accession numbers or both. It will use the genbank eutils to download the set of fasta files for the given list of id's.

 acc2fa2.py - If the acc2fa.py script outputs "Error! Cannot fetch 'file-with-gi/acc-number' " for some of the ids
               then run this script using python3 and it will create a new file with the names of files still to download.



 1. Visually inspect file with list of id's using an editor (vi, vim, gedit, emacs, your favorite editor)

 2. The input file should be a list of different id formats. Don't worry about descriptions like "Acintobacteria_..". We'll deal with that shortly
    For now if there are full header lines in the list then use the "clipper.sh" script like so.

    $ bash clipper.sh inputfile

 3. This will create a new file called "clipped" with just gi numbers. You will then use this as the new input when running the python scripts like so

    $ cat clipped | python acc2fa.py > out.fasta

 4. For files that acc2fa.py cannot download an error message (Error! Cannot fetch:) will indicate what the id/description of this file is.
    To get a new list of all these names just run "acc2fa2.py" like so

    $ cat clipped | python3 acc2fa2.py > out.fasta

 5. Visually inpect this new file called "test.txt". At this point the names of id's will most likely have the id numbers that genbbank requires as the first 8 or 9 digits
    in the string. In this case you can just use some simple cut commands followed by sed to replace "_" with empty space like so

    $ cat test.txt | cut -c 1-9 | sed -e 's/_/ /g' > retest.txt

  6. Run the "acc2fa.py" on the new "retest.txt" file like so

     $ cat retest.txt | python acc2fa.py > out2.fasta

  7. Now all the fasta are within files out.fasta and out2,fasta so we can conctenate them into one file like so
     $ cat out.fasta out2.fasta > all.fasta

  8.  As a check to see if all the fasta files are there you can extract all the header and count them like so

      $ grep -e ">" allout.fasta | sort | uniq -c | wc -l
  9. Finally to split the multifasta file into separate fasta files according to each header use the following command

     $ seqretsplit allout.fasta 