
iOS project

Primary LanguageSwift

Pinch and Zoom App (Pinch) 🌟

Pinch is a delightful iOS app that showcases the power of SwiftUI gestures and materials. With Pinch, you can explore interactive pinch and zoom interactions while learning about SwiftUI's capabilities. This project was developed as part of my iOS learning journey to gain hands-on experience with SwiftUI.


Technologies and Concepts 🚀

  • SwiftUI Gestures: Pinch utilizes SwiftUI's gesture recognizers to enable various interactions, such as long-press, double-tap, drag gesture, and magnification. These gestures provide an intuitive and immersive experience for users.

  • SwiftUI Materials: By applying a blur effect and vibrancy to views, Pinch adds depth and visual appeal to the user interface. SwiftUI materials enhance the overall aesthetic of your app and create a visually engaging experience.

  • SF Symbols: Pinch integrates SF Symbols, a library of icons designed to seamlessly integrate with Apple's system font. SF Symbols provide a collection of visually consistent and scalable icons throughout the app.

Running the Project Locally ⚙️

To run the Pinch app on your local development environment, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/your-username/pinch-app.git
  2. Open the project in Xcode:

    cd pinch-app
    open Pinch.xcodeproj

Build and run the app by selecting the desired simulator or connecting a physical device.