📄The reliable, generic, fast and flexible logging framework for Android
Pinned issues
Is this library is vulnerable via jndilookup mechanism as in log4j 2.x?
#230 opened by dineshr93
- 0
Dependency Dashboard
#254 opened by renovate - 0
FileNamePattern [/sdcard/logback/log.%d.txt] does not contain a valid DateToken
#374 opened by ncnnnnn - 0
- 0
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException at TimeBasedFileNamingAndTriggeringPolicyBase.start
#373 opened by TomHuynh17 - 0
When Device Restart happens, some logs are not saved to file using RollingFileAppender
#371 opened by karanahuja-android - 1
logback-android and logback-classic ILoggingEvent binary incompatibility getMarkers vs getMarkerList
#365 opened by ulfandersson - 1
- 0
- 0
The release version turns on minifyEnabled, and the file name is printed as null. <pattern>[%date] [%file:%line] - %msg%n</pattern>
#364 opened by StriId - 2
- 0
Missing transitive dependency on slf4j-api-2.x
#359 opened by xdevl - 1
- 2
The log cannot be written correctly in the case of multi-process Android application?
#345 opened by qqdongshao123 - 1
Caused by java.lang.NullPointerException Attempt to invoke interface method 'void' on a null object reference
#307 opened by devzakariyainyad - 0
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on Android 10
#315 opened by stoefln - 0
- 1
Cannot create AAR with ./scripts/
#346 opened by tony-xian-2017 - 0
Lazy setting does not work
#341 opened by BrunoLopardo - 10
No log is printed with Slf4j 2.x.x
#249 opened by toantk238 - 1
.zip subscript problem
#217 opened by yzy1226466341 - 2
EXT_DIR value depends on Android version
#223 opened by andrew-tpz - 1
how to rename locback.xml as logback-demo.xml
#301 opened by xiaochao00 - 1
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- 5
not writting files android 11
#228 opened by sagamagus - 5
Log file is not creating at very first time when app gets launched in android.
#246 opened by Vignesh-DMartLabs - 1
Missing SSL parameter configuration
#250 opened by BrunoLopardo - 0
- 7
Daily rollover uses UTC instead of local time
#213 opened by gmk57 - 3
Status on Ticket #208
#216 opened by tiger79 - 1
when use SizeAndTimeBasedRollingPolicy instead of TimeBasedRollingPolicy, not write log in file
#219 opened by magicdra - 3
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The problem of log output NUL characters
#222 opened by ttxz - 1
android build error
#226 opened by LuckyLi706 - 1
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- 1
CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability
#231 opened by sathishmscict - 1
Log to multiple files
#224 opened by james04gr - 1
- 1
LOGBACK-1591 Vulnerability
#232 opened by curtisshipley - 3
- 4
- 1
Cannot write to `/storage/emulated/0/MyAppDirectory`
#236 opened by tony19 - 1
#240 opened by tony-xian-2017 - 1
Documentation needs an update to slf4j 2.0
#241 opened by schildbach - 1
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