Lemon minibot


Raspberry Pi3 (I use the motherboard of lenovo ideapad 100)

YDLidar X4

Arduino mega2560 & motor controller

Motor with A/B encode

14.8v li-po battery

Laser cut frame


How to install ROS

Read my medium


How to use

Clone repositories

1.Clone this repository

cd catkin_ws/src

git clone https://github.com/tony92151/Lemon_minibot.git

2.Clone repository for YDLidar X4

git clone https://github.com/EAIBOT/ydlidar

3.Clone repository for rf2o

git clone https://github.com/MAPIRlab/rf2o_laser_odometry

4.Clone repository for smach

git clone https://github.com/ros-visualization/executive_smach_visualization.git

5.instsll dependent

sudo apt-get install remmina synaptic gimp git ros-kinetic-navigation ros-kinetic-amcl ros-kinetic-slam-gmapping ros-kinetic-mrpt-slam ros-kinetic-mrpt-icp-slam-2d ros-kinetic-robot-localization ros-kinetic-ar-track-alvar -y

6.Compile all

cd ..


Starup setting

cd catkin_ws/src/Lemon_minibot/starup/

sudo chmod +x initenv.sh

then enter your password


YDLidar X4 starup setting

roscd ydlidar/starup/

sudo chmod 777 ./*

sudo sh initenv.sh

Add ar-tag models


git clone https://github.com/mikaelarguedas/gazebo_models.git

cd ar_tags/scripts/

./generate_markers_model.py -i ~/Documents/gazebo_models/ar_tags/images -g ~/.gazebo/models -s 80

Simulation test

roslaunch turtlebot3_copy turtlebot_world2.launch

If it is first time open gazebo, it will take about 10 min to download models or you can download manual

See detial here


joystick test (RONEVER SR-012)

roslaunch joy joy2t.launch

rostopic echo /car/cmd_vel

Run gmapping

roslaunch turtlebot3_copy turtlebot_world2.launch

then gazebo with minibot & home will star

roslaunch lemon_minibot_detect ar_tag_sim.launch

to save the addres from ar-tag, run tf listener

rosrun lemon_minibot_core ar_local.py

roslaunch minibot_simulation simulation_gmapping.launch

to control your robot in gazebo, run keyboard_teleop.py to publish message to control node (/car/cmd_vel)

rosrun lemon_minibot_control keyboard_teleop.py

When mapping complete, save the map

rosrun map_server map_saver -f ~/homemap

run navigation

roslaunch minibot_simulation simulation_navigation.launch map_file:=$HOME/homemap.yaml

nav goal sender

roslaunch lemon_minibot_control movebase_seq.launch

Smach viewer

rosrun smach_viewer smach_viewer.py

set up amazom alexa skill

Use amazon alexa

rosrun lemon_minibot_core smach3.py

roscd lemon_minibot_control/scripts/alexa/

./ngrok http 5000

and ngrok will give you the address then pastes it to "Alexa skill kit" end point

install necessary pkg

sudo apt-get install ngrok-client

sudo pip install request flask flask-ask requests unidecode

run web server to connect to amazon alexa skill

rosrun lemon_minibot_control alexa_skill.py

roscd lemon_minibot_control/scripts/alexa/

./ngrok http 5000

Demo setup


roslaunch turtlebot3_copy turtlebot_world2.launch

rosparam load ~/catkin_ws/src/Lemon_minibot/lemon_minibot_core/param/location.yaml

rosparam load ~/catkin_ws/src/Lemon_minibot/lemon_minibot_core/param/smach.yaml

rosrun lemon_minibot_core smach3.py

roscd lemon_minibot_control/scripts/alexa/

./ngrok http 5000

rosrun lemon_minibot_core core_controller.py

Demo video


[1]turtlebot3 https://github.com/ROBOTIS-GIT/turtlebot3

[2]gazebo_models https://github.com/mikaelarguedas/gazebo_models

[3]roslaunch API Usage http://wiki.ros.org/roslaunch/API%20Usage

[4]Module rosparam in python http://docs.ros.org/diamondback/api/rosparam/html/

[5]smach Tutorials http://wiki.ros.org/smach/Tutorials/Getting%20Started