API Mobile Numbers

A RESTful HTTP server which stores mobile numbers for later retrieval.

The server will validate and attempt to fix mobile numbers before storing. Upon storing a batch of numbers, the service will return some basic information about the numbers stored.



Develop on Mac

Install Dependencies

  1. Install modd $ brew install modd
  2. Install flyway $ brew install flyway
  3. Install PostgreSQL
  4. Install Go

Initialize DB and Tables

$ ./migration/bin/init/init.sh 
$ ./migration/migrate.sh 

Run Server

This will auto-restart the server when changes are saved

$ brew install modd
$ modd

To run unit tests,

$ go test ./...

Adding Support for Additional Countries Support for additional countries can be achieved by extending the lookupRequirements in internal/server/fix.go

Run Server

$ go run cmd/api-mobile-numbers/main.go 


Currently Supported Countries by International Olympic Committee (IOC) Code

Country IOC Code
South Africa rsa
Australi aus
Portugal por
United States usa


Test a single number

  • Validate input number
  • Attempt to fix incorrectly formed number
  • Return if number is correct
  • Return correction details if number was corrected
POST http://localhost:80/<country_ioc_code>/numbers/test/<number>

For example,


Response The response will have the content type application/json and will have the Format:

Property Type Description Required
valid bool indicates if the number provided is valid. If the number needed to be fixed, this will be False Yes
number_provided string number in request parameter No
number_fixed string number after being fixed No
changes string comma separated list of changes No

Store CSV File of Numbers

POST http://localhost:80/<country_ioc_code>/numbers

Request Body CSV Format:

id sms_phone
103343262 6478342944
103426540 84528784843

Note that id is not used. Note that the header row cannot be ommited from the request body.

Response Example

    "ref": "3d836fe0-d2c8-4a79-adab-2f99f2b6ad88",
    "stats": {
        "valid_numbers_count": 463,
        "fixed_numbers_count": 533,
        "invalid_numbers_count": 4,
        "total_numbers_processed": 1000
    "href": "http://localhost:80/numbers/3d836fe0-d2c8-4a79-adab-2f99f2b6ad88"

Return Details of Previously Processed File

Using the ref value from response above, call

GET http://localhost:80/numbers/results/<ref>

to get the details of the previously processed file. Response is in the same format:

    "ref": "3d836fe0-d2c8-4a79-adab-2f99f2b6ad88",
    "stats": {
        "valid_numbers_count": 463,
        "fixed_numbers_count": 533,
        "invalid_numbers_count": 4,
        "total_numbers_processed": 1000
    "href": "http://localhost:80/numbers/3d836fe0-d2c8-4a79-adab-2f99f2b6ad88"

Download Previously Processed File

Using the href value returned from a processed file, call

GET http://localhost:80/numbers/3d836fe0-d2c8-4a79-adab-2f99f2b6ad88

for a JSON download of a previoulsy processed file.

The response will have the content disposition attachment and will have the format

    "valid_numbers": [
    "fixed_numbers": [
            "original_number": "730276061",
            "changes": "prepended number with 27,",
            "fixed_number": "27730276061"
            "original_number": "6478342944",
            "changes": "prepended number with 27,shortened number by removing 4,",
            "fixed_number": "27647834294"
    "rejected_numbers": [

Development Choices

Golang was chosen because it is statically typed (fewer bugs), has great performance, and testing framework is built in.

PostgreSQL was chosen as a proven relational DB. Relational DB was chosen because tables makes it easy to access and manage data.

A mobile number is represented as a single object which validates and fixes itself upon instantiation. This was chosen as mobile numbers are the primary object of activity for this service -- it is nice to have the various pieces of data assoicated with a given mobile number capatured in a single object.

Validation expects to recieve a mobile number object and asserts certain constraints upon that object. This was chosen as the validation may change and very likely will be extended. The constraints should be configurable and applied to the mobile number rather than a part of the mobile number object.

Flyway was chosen as a convenient method of updating the DB tables as the service requirments evolve.

Corrections Made to Invalid Numbers

  1. If a number is too long, digits are trimmed from the end of the number
  2. If the number does not have the correct country dialing code, the dialing code is prepended
  3. If there are any non-digits present, remove them


  1. The file size is limited by the Postgres buffer size available which may overflow
  2. The values provided by Client are not validated and may generate unknown behaviour
  3. The Fix Number algorithms are simnple and may make incorrect decisions in some cases


  1. Configuration Config options should enable dynamic DB connection string parameters
  2. Remove Buffer size bottleneck When saving a file of numbers, the buffer should be flushed before filling up
  3. Validation Validation should be done on all properties in payload -- it may be easy to crash this server with bad data
  4. File Hash The UUID generated for each file should instead be a unique hash generated from the file contents to avoid processing a file twice
  5. Security Should be using https connection