
There may be a bug in the bootloader where it will only copy the first 64kB of your kernel image. This was reported and fixed by a student at one point, but I have no clue if it made it in here yet. If you find it before I do, send a PR please!


This is the build kit I put together for CMPT432 in around 2010. Found it recently and decided to share it. This will build a floppy disk image with an exceptionally simple bootloader that loads the disk image into memory, configures 32-bit protected mode, and ultimately jumps to main() in C.


make in the project root will:

  • build the bootloader
  • build the kernel
  • assemble both into a floppy image

make clean will remove all of the intermediate files (.o and friends).


This has been run on Linux, OS X, and Windows in a various emulators: VirtualBox, VMWare, and QEMU. While writing this today, I'm using QEMU on WSL2:

qemu-system-i386 -fda floppyimg -curses

As a quick refresher, in curses-mode, you can switch to your OS by hitting "Esc 1" and to the QEMU monitor console with "Esc 2". You can quit by typing quit into the monitor console.