
graph to display openmoji

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

OpenMoji Graph

Tech Stack

  • Tauri + Vue 3 + Vite + TypeScript


  • rust
  • tauri
  • nodejs



  • cargo tauri dev
    • Run in dev mode
  • cargo tauri build
    • Build app for current platform
    • Builds to src-tauri/target/release/bundle


  • npm run dev
    • Run in dev mode
  • npm run build
    • Build webpage for production to dist
  • npm run preview
    • Serve webpage from dist for preview


  • remember to disable devtools from Cargo.toml in production releases

Connection Rules

  • group - subgroup
  • base - variations (skin tones, sexes, group: flags, subgroups: keycap)
  • sanitation "flag: ", "keycap: ", "family: ", "couple with heart: ", "kiss: ", "men holding hands: dark skin tone", "woman and man holding hands: medium skin tone, dark skin tone", "person taking bath: medium-light skin tone"
  • "person in lotus position" -> "woman in lotus position" -> "woman in lotus position: light skin tone"

lazy SVG loading

  • SVGs are loaded lazily to reduce initial load time
  • When node is clicked, start loading SVG, onLoad callback will then add node and links to graph


  • Clicking does not work reliably when objects are moving
  • Clicking uses object mesh for collision, making some objects hard to click (using png sprite might help with this)
  • Page refresh causes memory leak
  • Certain emoji have wrong draw order?
  • Islands can be created when there are loops (could be a feature)
  • Removing nodes causes abrupt screen shift (to center the nodes?) Adding nodes does not cause this


  • New nodes should be created near the expanded node
  • Gamify by creating objectives
    • Start with a random node, find a path to the target node
  • Allow for extended expansion over the top 10 connections
  • Allow for node popup to show node info
  • Allow for link popup to show link info
    • Why was this link made?
  • Graph becomes too cluttered with many nodes
    • Allow for node grouping?
    • Make nodes 'pop' when they hit the border?


All emojis designed by OpenMoji – the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0

Emoji frequency data from https://home.unicode.org/emoji/emoji-frequency/